I would love some advice about my toms. I've potted the larger cherry toms in to bigger pots. Is it too early to plant them out ? I've no room in my conservatory any more so i've put them next to the giant window in the garage. I have also done the same with my chilli plants but i'll move them back in to the conservatory at night. This is my first ever crop (although i do have onions on the go outside) so i'm as green as grass. Any help or advice or telling offs are all appreciated.
I would love some advice about my toms. I've potted the larger cherry toms in to bigger pots. Is it too early to plant them out ? I've no room in my conservatory any more so i've put them next to the giant window in the garage. I have also done the same with my chilli plants but i'll move them back in to the conservatory at night. This is my first ever crop (although i do have onions on the go outside) so i'm as green as grass. Any help or advice or telling offs are all appreciated.