At my peas?
These are peas de provonce, sown in November and overwintered at the plot.
They've come through all that the winter could throw at them with only scaffold netting for protection and up till today, looked fine.
Last week I noticed they were flowering freely and anticipated the long awaited taste of fresh, early peas.....
Today they look like this.
So who do think is nibbling, inside the netting, at my lovely peas?
These are peas de provonce, sown in November and overwintered at the plot.
They've come through all that the winter could throw at them with only scaffold netting for protection and up till today, looked fine.
Last week I noticed they were flowering freely and anticipated the long awaited taste of fresh, early peas.....
Today they look like this.
So who do think is nibbling, inside the netting, at my lovely peas?