I've just bottled my first batch of nettle tea for the year but have some left from last year. So use the old stuff (it may be comfrey as it wasn't labled) or the fresh batch? Does it go off or get weaker with age?
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Nettle/comfrey tea - aged or non-vintage?
Interested to see any answers because I also have a batch from last year which I havent dared use this year in case it has fermented and become too strong. I have been wondering whether to chuck it and start afresh or will I be wasting fabulous fertiliser??
I've been using the last bottles from last year over the last few weeks with no ill effects. I've now run out and it's been so wet and cold here that the nettles and comphrey are only just getting to a size that I can crop.
I'm hoping there is some way to accelerate the production as everything in the polytunnel has done so well on the old stuff. I make mine in old plastic milk bottles and i'm hoping the warmth of the polytunnel will help the leaves break down faster.
I've been using the old stuff so far and apart from some worryingly crispy tomato leaves everything is still alive!Le Sarramea https://jgsgardening.blogspot.com/
Originally posted by NatalieCooke View PostI'm on mission to hurt out some nettles. Saw some today but didn't bring any gloves!
Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.
Which one are you and is it how you want to be?
hi all, long time since ive been on here, only just getting to grips with my home garden again (need to be more organised) but I was wondering what type of nettles do you use and how do you make it up, also are there any plants it cant be used on and how much should I use. and also comfrey, where can I get some and again how do you make it up and are there any plants not to use it on and how much to use.
sorry its a load of questions all at once but I usually just use my composted down chicken manure and grass clippings on my garden and everything seems to go well but thought I might try to increase production.
many thanks in advanceThe Weeds are Winning...
Sleep just let me Sleep...
Nettle feed (are there different types of nettles?) is good for green leafy stuff and comfrey for flowering / fruiting stuff. I have a comfrey patch on my plot but before I had that I used to harvest it from the side of a local canal.
Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.
Which one are you and is it how you want to be?
Originally posted by Bren In Pots View PostI wonder if chopping up the leaves would make it ferment any faster ?
Hi vixen
I make mine in 4 pint/2 litre plastic milk bottles, that have been washed out. Fill with Nettles/comfrey then fill with fresh water. I then number them, so when i make another batch i know which to use first. Give them a shake now and again. I leave mine in the greenhouse so it speeds up the process. Normally ready after about 3 weeks. Your know when they are....The smell !!!!. Then the bottle gets strained into a 25 litre lidded drum and mixed 10:1 with water.
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