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  • Courgettes?

    My courgette has germinated and growing fast. How long from germination do courgettes appear?



  • #2
    Sowed 17th April greenhouse(pots)
    Planted out 18th May undercloche cover, lifted the cloche start of June.
    Today i have 2" courgettes growing nicely. Some thing i do with Courgettes is when planting out is to sink a 2L bottomless plastic bottle aimed at the roots. Also put something around the plant so the fruit lays on that instead of the soil. I use straw.


    • #3
      Geez, that's quick to have 2" courgettes already. I know they're fast growers, mine are in bigger pots now, 1 1/2 weeks ago they were only in tin foiled trays. I am buying nutrigrow from greenhousesensation on Thursday, so that should hel them grow even faster and healthier too.

      I used all the seeds, just to give a better chance of producing male and female vines


      • #4
        Not sure how many plants you have. But we planted four last year, one died, and from the other three we ate courgette any which way you can, got to the point i was sick and tired of them. Put in three this year know doubt they will all survive and i will end up with more than i`ll ever need.


        • #5
          Originally posted by nessa76 View Post

          I used all the seeds, just to give a better chance of producing male and female vines
          each courgette plant produces both male and female you can have just one plant and get lots of fruit!
          How many plants have you grown nessa?

          Hello by the way!
          welcome to the vine!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Sharpy View Post
            Not sure how many plants you have. But we planted four last year, one died, and from the other three we ate courgette any which way you can, got to the point i was sick and tired of them. Put in three this year know doubt they will all survive and i will end up with more than i`ll ever need.
            I have about 8 plants, so a lot of courgettes by the sound of it Lol


            • #7
              Originally posted by muddled View Post
              each courgette plant produces both male and female you can have just one plant and get lots of fruit!
              How many plants have you grown nessa?

              Hello by the way!
              welcome to the vine!
              I have grown about 8 plants, all thriving but they will need nutrigrow (plant food). I never knew that all would be male and female, I'm sure they'll come in use though, should go well in a stir fry yummy


              • #8
                You can make your own feed for your veg. No need to spend money on feed. Where are you growing them and what are you growing them in. If your are going to keep them in pots they need to be very big. have you got any photos?
                Last edited by Scarlet; 07-06-2015, 07:48 PM.


                • #9
                  You could try making your own feed Nessa - have a read of this


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
                    You can make your own feed for your veg. No need to spend money on feed. Where are you growing them and what are you growing them in. If your are going to keep them in pots they need to be very big. have you got any photos?
                    Here is a photo of my courgettes that were taken the other day.
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      You need to pot them up separately - and soon before they get too big.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                        You need to pot them up separately - and soon before they get too big.
                        Thanks veggiechicken I will do, it'll have to be Thursday, since I get paid then.


                        • #13

                          Forget the feed.

                          Just buy some cheap plastic 3-4" pots(Poundland)and a small bag of multi purpose compost, you can get a 10L bag from wilkinsons for �2. There is feed in it so saves you money.

                          When they have a good set of proper leaves, get them in the ground outside. 8 really is a lot. Good luck.


                          • #14
                            Just planted mine out. I use a parthenocarpic variety Courgette - Cavili F1 | Tucker's
                            Last edited by DannyK; 08-06-2015, 07:14 AM.
                            Riddlesdown (S Croydon)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Sharpy View Post
                              8 really is a lot.
                              I would pot up the strongest three, then plant out the best two in the ground, then if one survives you'll have plenty of courgettes this summer.

                              Good luck!
                              My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                              Chrysanthemum notes page here.


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