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Anything bolting for you?


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  • #46
    The only thing that has went to seed up to now are weeds, still waiting on the bulk of seeds to germinate, had to cover plants last night as temp. could go to 2c and still have heating on at home. Not one of the better years....and there is always next year
    it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

    Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


    • #47
      My chard has bolted, shame as it looked good.


      • #48
        Cut the bolted tatsoi today. Delicious flavour but so tiny.
        Attached Files


        • #49
          Originally posted by ESBkevin View Post
          I can't believe it's so hard to grow peas this year.
          Have you got mice? I have to germinate all peas and broad beans indoors.


          • #50
            Pac choi and some mustards


            • #51
              My Swede's have bolted, just noticed them before with small un-opened flowers in the centre. God I thought they were doing well as well.

              Sown some more though as I've read you can plant them throughout June. This time I shall water them more and if they bolt again. To hell with them.


              • #52
                All my mustards have bolted. Some were doing very well until the hot weather hit. But they are a decent size so i won't complain. I guess next time i will sow earlier and sow some in august.


                • #53
                  Spinach has all bolted, so it's now in the compost bin, and I have re seeded with hopes of a second crop, also a few onions red and white have flowered


                  • #54
                    Most of the kohlrabi has bolted without forming swollen stems.
                    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                    • #55
                      My fennel is going, plus possibly the celeriac. The spinach bolted ages ago - must pull it up really but I've been snacking on the little leaves. So far not too bad. The fennel's still useable and tbh the celeriac was an experimental thing anyway.
             - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


                      • #56
                        Some of my spinach bolted when it was only at seedling stage i.e. about 2" high
                        My Autumn 2016 blog entry, all about Plum Glut Guilt:



                        • #57
                          Spinach, coriander and the dill for me. Although quite happy with that after taking a 2 week trip abroad.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Sharpy View Post
                            Spinach, coriander and the dill for me. Although quite happy with that after taking a 2 week trip abroad.
                            That they were alive to bolt is actually surprising! I think my stuff would have dried up and died after a couple days without watering and i'm in Scotland!


                            • #59
                              My flipping carrots grrr
                              Nannys make memories


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by CaptainBurrito View Post
                                That they were alive to bolt is actually surprising! I think my stuff would have dried up and died after a couple days without watering and i'm in Scotland!
                                I had left my son the task of watering the plot, so i got off lightly ;-)


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