Mygrafted cucumber has finally given up, after the cold start it really didn't like. Fruits and flowers shrivelled before setting and now covered in aphids and no new growth.
Ideally I'd like to replace it, but doesn't seem to be any stock locally. In our northerly climes, a grafted plant in our back yard seemed to do well last year and kept up with our little-and-often cucumber requirements!
Any bright ideas? Try sowing an ordinary one - too late? Can I do anything to shock the existing one back to life? I'd hate to have to buy tasteless cucs all summer...
Thank you!
Ideally I'd like to replace it, but doesn't seem to be any stock locally. In our northerly climes, a grafted plant in our back yard seemed to do well last year and kept up with our little-and-often cucumber requirements!
Any bright ideas? Try sowing an ordinary one - too late? Can I do anything to shock the existing one back to life? I'd hate to have to buy tasteless cucs all summer...

Thank you!