Still very new to this game and having trouble telling the difference between plants and weeds
Also, forgot to note what I sowed in the bed
. I can see lettuce and beetroot but don't recognise these in the photos. I'm assuming they're weeds and not something I've sown and forgotten about but thought I'd better ask you experts before I pull them out...
The first one is in a jerusalem artichoke bed and is as tall as the JAs so could only be a different looking JA or a weed. The second one....well, I should probably start taking notes on what I sow and not trust my memory

Also, forgot to note what I sowed in the bed

The first one is in a jerusalem artichoke bed and is as tall as the JAs so could only be a different looking JA or a weed. The second one....well, I should probably start taking notes on what I sow and not trust my memory
