I read in Grow Your Own about an exotic vegetable called Callaloo also known as Amaranthus. I like to try growing something different and thought I might try this. Then whist sorting through the tons of seed packets I gather from various sources, I found a packet of Amarathus (Josephs Coat). The picture on the packet looks the same as the one in the article so I wondered if this should!! grow, will it be edible - don't want to risk anything that will poison us.
No announcement yet.
Well, Suttons are selling them. 2.5 squid for 38 seeds................
Callaloo Seeds - Suttons Seeds and Plantssigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
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KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............
That's so beautiful, how can any one eat that lovely looking plant
go for the one who gives many seeds. tender stems just taste like brassicas. This year was nit that productive to me, but one plant is filled with seed . next year I will be allocating good patch for amarnath
I've just bought a packet of these which I thought looked interesting - I think its the same thing:
Buy Micro Leaves Amaranth Red Army-Seeds | Marshalls SeedsA life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy
Do you know any West Indians KG?
callaloo is a West Indian version of amaranth...the best tasting (might be slightly contraversial) supposedly comes from Jamaica....or so Jamaicans tell me!
It makes large leaves a bit like chard which taste sort of 'creamy' rather than cabbagey if that helps.
Realseeds do another type of amaranth that produces smaller leaves and much bigger flowerheads. The flowers have millions of tiny seeds that are full of protein and when cooked with rice, give it a delicious nutty flavour.
I have grown and eaten both and found that they are interchangeable....the leaves of the seed one, although smaller, taste fine....the seeds of the leaf one, although fewer in number, also taste fine.
I have always found West Indian gardeners to be pleased I've heard of callaloo and very generous in sharing the seeds. Once you start your calallo patch...in any scrappy little corner, it's not at all fussy....it will self seed year after year. So I think it's really worth getting the type you want from the outset....you won't be sorry!
I don't know if they'll cross pollinate...but if they do will you save me some of the resulting seed? I only have the seed producing type at the moment (from realseeds) as I left my old allotment at the wrong time of year.
You start them off as you would tomatoes. They start slowly but take off when the weather warms. The flowers (once you shake the seeds out to cook) last a long time in a vase and look wonderful.
There are some amaranth in the VSP. I've no idea what they are!! http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/gra...ml#post1318505
Ok just to warn you. I spoke to realseeds as I was new/ confused about leaf amaranth v grain amaranth earlier in the year. Basically both leaf and grain can be used for leaf but in doing so you reduce the amount of grain you get. However grain amaranth - is white seeded do not eat the black seeds which I believe proper callaloo is.
Here's some more info....a link to 'eat the weeds'
Amaranth: Grain, Vegetable, Icon | Eat The Weeds and other things, too
I got some callaloo from HSL, it's not done anything but slugs might be involved
Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.
Which one are you and is it how you want to be?
My girlfriends mum is from Jamaica and I gave her some Swiss Chard, she said it was quite similar in taste to callaloo.
She cooks it the same way as i was taught by a Brazilian ex, fry a little onion in butter then turn up the heat high and add the chard/callaloo
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