I have no idea what's happened to our sweetcorn this year. I prepared the beds as normal (6th year on my lotty) with plenty of well rotted stuff, block planted them at around 1' apart but they didn't do well at all. I noticed when walking around the site that the sweetcorn on other plots looked the same. It didn't grow very tall, reaching around 4' and had sent up between 4 and 6 stems from the base. I waited for the brown tassels and harvested it only to find that it's not pollinated well with many of the cobs only having a few corn, some of them are shrivelled and a lot is (I think) going to seed. It's full of small corn with little hard spikes not the normal juicy corn.
I'm gutted, it's everyone's favourite and out of 28 plants I've got 4 edible cobs
and I haven't got any chickens this year to appreciate the rejects either.)
The pics show what I mean with a bolted (?) corn next to a normalish cob in the last photo and even that has some of the little spikes on it.
I'm gutted, it's everyone's favourite and out of 28 plants I've got 4 edible cobs

The pics show what I mean with a bolted (?) corn next to a normalish cob in the last photo and even that has some of the little spikes on it.