I have quite a lot of seeds that are past date, so rather ran me wasting lots of space, i have been putting them on damp kitchen roll, wrapping them up, put into a zip lock bag. Then a few days later when some are chitted i will plant into my seed cells. everything seems o be going fine and infact very impressed by the germination results.
But my one question is after a day or so, when you open the draw there is a horrible decaying type smell. My mains water isn�t drinkable to have swapped to using bottled water but still has not worked.
Do you know how can stop this as its really off putting in the kitchen.
Thanks in advance
But my one question is after a day or so, when you open the draw there is a horrible decaying type smell. My mains water isn�t drinkable to have swapped to using bottled water but still has not worked.
Do you know how can stop this as its really off putting in the kitchen.
Thanks in advance