Never grown this till this year when I grew about twenty in 4" pots intending to use the vibrant colours as part of a display in a wheelbarrow. In the event, they hadn't grown sufficiently and I have twenty bonny multicoloured plants in pots at the back door.
Couple of questions.
1. What is its value in the kitchen?
2. Is it worth planting them out? I'm really asking if they are best grown as an annual or as a biennial or as a perpetual.
I could of course just gurgle this but we're a wee bit short of gardening questions just now and some of you lot will have the answers
Couple of questions.
1. What is its value in the kitchen?
2. Is it worth planting them out? I'm really asking if they are best grown as an annual or as a biennial or as a perpetual.
I could of course just gurgle this but we're a wee bit short of gardening questions just now and some of you lot will have the answers