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Best time to sow peppers/chillies


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  • #16
    Jonny your in Leeds reckon that would put you two weeks behind someone in London for weather so you will have to take that into account
    Potty by name Potty by nature.

    By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

    We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

    Aesop 620BC-560BC



    • #17
      From past experience I now start mine off at the beginning of February.
      Getting them to germinate is fairly easy if you have a heated propagator, its the low light levels that is the problem.
      They need lots of bright daylight hours which we cannot provide in our part of the world, so using growlights is the next best thing.
      How successful these are depends on your own setup.

      And when your back stops aching,
      And your hands begin to harden.
      You will find yourself a partner,
      In the glory of the garden.

      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


      • #18
        Early February for me too. Heated propagator to germinate, then a further 7-10 days ventilated for seedlings to establish. After that transfer to windowsill for growing on. Maintaining low ambient temperature counters the low natural light levels at this time of year - plants might grow slowly but they'll have thick stems and good structure (and they'll always catch up as the days lengthen and the sun starts to climb). I used to nip the top off plants when they got to about 8" in height; these days I don't bother.
        Weather permitting I'll look to move the young plants out to the GH mid-May onwards. Once they're in they're in. Hardening off is done simply by opening the door and vents for increasing periods daily. 95% of the plants I grow will stay in the GH for the summer.
        I am in the southeast of England (and as Potty says that can make quite a difference vs the rest of the country).


        • #19
          Originally posted by jonny the plant pot View Post
          I've got various types of peppers and chillies to sow next year.
          When's the best time to start them off.
          What I've found Johnny is the hotter the chilli the earlier you should start them so anything super hot you could start now
          This is a bit pointless though too be honest unless you've got lights


          • #20
            I've just purchased a few heat mats at a quarter of the heated propergator and with spare room south facing gunna start them off in February .
            When you have a hammer in your hand everything around you starts looking like a nail.


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