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What I did today - 2016


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  • Pruned plum tree, dug one bed and put chicken pellets manure down for tomatoes. Bought home compost from allotment to put on garden flower beds. Sowed a packet of sweet peas, currently in the shed will move to lean too greenhouse when germinated (worked with the previous pot)

    That is this week btw not today.


    • Counted all of the strawberry plants, most of which are planted-up runners from this year. Over 70 in total. Just thinking of all of that strawberry coulis come next Summer.

      Just realised, I now need to cut a new bed for them at the allotment - another 20 sq.m of heavy soil to get the spade into...


      • Potted on my winter lettuce, put the ground sheet down in my moved tunnel, filled some little pots with compost and stuck them in the propagator to warm up ready for potting on my chilli seedlings.


        • You have chili seedlings already SP? haven't even ordered mine!

          collected another big trailer of lovely black squidgy horse poo full of worms yesterday. Managed to shift 3 large wheelbarrow loads to the veg plot this afternoon while children played outside. Will be doing this for the rest of the week.

          Have started listing seeds I have & seeds I want, will then try to whittle the list of wants down a bit!
          Another happy Nutter...


          • It was a lovely afternoon here, cold air but flat calm so it was very pleasant in the sunshine.
            I did one of those winter jobs: cut down all the blackberries that had fruited then shortened and tied in the new canes. For once I avoided any deep scratches!

            The frost didn't melt all day in the shadows, so it's going to be another cold one tonight.
            My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
            Chrysanthemum notes page here.


            • Yet again I have re-planned my veggie garden planting for next year.


              • ^^^^ I'm replanning too - except I first have to "see" how much space I can clear, then decide what to grow there.
                Had a gorgeous day in the sunshine, clearing raspberries, brambles and rubbish. Also sowed some Douce provence peas in guttering, ready to slide out into somewhere suitable -when I find it


                • The frost had my dahlias yesterday,it was -3 celsius here at 8.30am yesterday. So I finally cut them down,I'm surprised my geraniums are surviving so well,my swede leaves look like wet seaweed. Today I watered my hyacinths in the shed & had a look at my meteor peas that are about a centimetre tall
                  Location : Essex


                  • Today I wondered what am I going to do with my cape gooseberry thats outside,it's getting a bit cold so I'm going to try to overwinter it & hopefully now it's covered with an 8m blanket of fleece,it'll make it through the winter,I pruned it a little bit first,I don't know if it will survive so I've been saving seeds from a few fruits I had in the kitchen. I've just eaten about seven there's a good mixture of seeds out of them,hopefully one will germinate Also removed some of my neighbours ivy that keeps invading through the fence panels,it's like a fence weed
                    Location : Essex


                    • Shifted about 5 huge barrows of horse poo to the veg plot. Lovely stuff, black, completely broken down with loads of worms. Enormous veg next year I hope!
                      Another happy Nutter...


                      • Took advantage of the T&M free P&P today and ordered some of my spuds - lady christl & charlotte. I already have Alouette & PFA saved from last year's crop. Just need to pick up Ratte & Sarpo Axona at Seedy Sunday and I am all sorted for next year. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah that feels better!
               - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


                        • This weekend.
                          Collected and shredded with the mower about 6 barrowloads of autumn leaves to add to my stash.
                          Finished the 10ft by 30ft strip I needed to double dig to get rid of the hard pan. Lots of manure, compost, soil improver and cardboard buried in there.
                          Another strip of similar area got the winter mulch treatment, it's already had well rotted pig muck sprinkled over and free council soil improver likewise, so I added a layer of straw then cardboard and woodchip weighed down with a sprinkle of earth. I'm trying that as the no dig area so looking forward to seeing haw that develops.


                          • Managed to collect a cage full of leaves.
                            sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                            Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                            Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                            KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                            • Finished digging a secondary drainage trench this morning. The resident robin appreciated me breaking up the frozen soil for him, he was all over the earth pile between shovel-loads!


                              • On sunday... I managed to spend the most time in the garden that I have since 17th August... having said that it almost entirely involved 'tidying up' (aka chucking stuff in the brown bin) - the bin is now full and won't be emptied until March, so I really could do with a compost heap for the rest!

                                I also planted out 30 daffodil bulbs, and 57 (yes) tulip bulbs in the spot vacated by the pampas grass. It was getting dark by this point and I was rather chilly so it will be an interesting arrangement if they do pop up in spring!


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