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What I did today - 2016


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  • Been working all hours with being one member of staff short but finally, after around ten days, got the chance to pop up to check my plants. Everything bedded down in tunnel looking ok.

    Picked up a couple of bags of 8 tulips from Homebase - reduced to �1 each!!! I'll get them into pots on Sunday when I'm next off work.
    If I'm not on the Grapevine I can usually be found here!....


    • Excited to see to see first shoots coming through in my indoor herb pots!! Planning on sowing some salad leaves in the greenhouse tomorrow.

      Living in her own purple world

      Loving gardening, reading, knitting and crochet.


      • Nipped to the plot in my lunch break to pick some kale for tonight.

        While I was there I dug over the little square bed outside my poly door and planted it up with 25 narcissus bulbs, to match the daffs planted on the other side of the door, and mulched it with shredded leaves. Noticed a few shoots poking above the surface in my bulb-bag/drainage border thing around my asparagus bed, and also some garlic coming up!


        • Stood and looked in amazement at my little 12in high Borage plants by the gate that has flowers getting ready to open.
          I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

          Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


          • Quick half hour on the plot today to check everything was ok after the strong winds (it was) and get a bit of fresh air. Very mild and everything in greenhouse and polytunnel ok. Next few days are forecast dry but cold so I may try to get up and get some more tidying done as the plot is looking a bombsite at the moment
            If I'm not on the Grapevine I can usually be found here!....


            • Sowed my Onion Seeds as tradition on Boxing Day into a Heated Propagator Sowed Onion 'Alisa Craig', 'Bedfordshire Champion', 'Exhibition' and 'The Kelsae'
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              Last edited by MarkHackwell; 26-12-2016, 12:51 PM. Reason: 5 Pictures instead of 1
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              • Had a lovely couple of hours over the plot. Got to try out my new DAB radio, whilst painting the shed purple (well lavender!). Im now covered in paint, but it was nice to get out in the fresh air for a while. The OH did the base and slabs for greenhouse 2 that needs to go up soon. Not much growing except weeds, but the garlic and onions are sprouting.


                • Originally posted by Bex2012 View Post
                  whilst painting the shed purple (well lavender!)
                  That sounds pretty,there's a shed of the year show somewhere on here but I can't find it,I think there's a couple of months for more entries
                  Location : Essex


                  • Originally posted by Jungle Jane View Post
                    That sounds pretty,there's a shed of the year show somewhere on here but I can't find it,I think there's a couple of months for more entries
                    Always willing to oblige!


                    Get the shed entred in the competition Bex2012!
                    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                    Diversify & prosper


                    • Cut my autumn raspberries down, and tidied up half the flower border in the back. Bonfire of canes, cardboard & wrapping paper as council won't accept wrapping paper for recycling as it's too contaminated with sellotape, bows etc.

                      Spotted the elephant garlic coming up & first of the hellebore flowers coming through (although foetidus has been going for a while). Admired the primulas which basically haven't stopped flowering all year.
                      Another happy Nutter...


                      • Originally posted by Snadger View Post
                        Always willing to oblige!


                        Get the shed entred in the competition Bex2012!
                        Ooo I might do! Needs a couple more coats first, as I dont think its ever been treated.


                        • Potted up 6 patio fruit trees that I bought recently. A Lucky dip selection and I received 2 Plum Black Amber, 2 cherry Sylvia, a Conference pear and Golden delicious apple. Don't expect any fruit this year as they're only about a foot tall!
                          Lots of daffs emerging and the rhubarb! Don't they know its December?


                          • Wandered up to the plot with my new fruit trees (which I moan about elsewhere!). While they were soaking I burned most of the blackthorn trimmings and part of my arm... Kippered myself.
                   - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


                            • 28th December

                              Working for the allotment rather than on it today. After a freezing night, with the car covered in ice at 10:00 pm last night and the terracotta pot heater used to try and keep the frost and ice at bay in the spacesaver greenhouse, the sun come out this morning and it was actually became quite nice and warm once the sun was shining on the patio table.

                              So warm in fact that I took the opportunity to cut / weld a 2.4 x 1.2m metre sheet out of the 2m wide roll and then make two 600mm x 1.2m sheets and mark them out for holes at 150mm centres for the walking onion beds.

                              I sent an email to the local brewery this morning to see if they had any sacks of spent hops they didn't want, and I got a reply more or less by return and arranged to meet the chief brewer at their establishment and pick up some sacks. What a nice guy, took me in and showed me around and then gave me half a point of their Gold larger to try. Next visit I will pick up a few bottles as it was the best I have tasted in a long time as I usually drink bitter these days.

                              So a car full of spent hops were dropped off at my plot on Spencer Road and I have notified all our plot holders that we can pick up 8- 10 sacks from the brewery each week.
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                              Last edited by Cadalot; 29-12-2016, 07:27 AM.
                              . .......Man Vs Slug
                              Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                              Nutters Club Member


                              • Yesterday - got my seeds ordered finally - yay although there's a couple of bits I'll have to pick up elsewhere. Planted late daffs & tulips. Worked out plan for growing squash plants on top of the bank between us & the field next door.

                                Got my wautoma cucumber seeds in their jar of water ready for saving for planting later - first time I've saved cucumber seeds so pleased with myself!
                                Another happy Nutter...


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