Planted the cherry trees from earlier, and had to trim off a branch as it looked like it had been trapped in an automatic door.
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What I did today - 2016
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Picked up a dalek compost bin from a friend who is having to clear his dads house out. Whilst I was there they also gave me a big clump of rhubarb. Never grown or tasted rhubarb so its a bit of an experiment!
Had a bit of a cut back in the garden, really need to spend some time out there. Sprayed my orchids with an organic insecticide as they seem to be infested with mite and soapy water isnt helping.
Would have prefered to have spent more time over the allotment, its lovely today.
Finally assembled my raised bed, it feels like I have been working on it since the dawn of time +/- one day
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Finally won battle with my first 'raised' bed today. Dug it all over, managed to get all roots out! Dug in four heaped wheelbarrows homemade compost. Looking forward to planting my onion sets out later in March ... Beautiful, warm sunny day!~~~ Gardening is medicine that does not need
a prescription ... And with no limit on dosage.
- Author Unknown ~~~
Went to allotment early and showed a prospective plotholder a couple of plots. He decided on one and I took his rent, key money and gave him the rules and regs.
Left the site at 10.30 am and travelled to my project house for more central heating radiator fitting throughout the day.
Returned to the allotment site at 4.30pm and after giving the Treasurer monies I had collected swapped her a Belfast sink for her hens for a bale of straw that had stood a year but was dry and fine for my hens.
Full day at the project plot tomorrow with a mission to finally get the rest of a a large shed demolished and rotten wood burned!
I might even get time to get my onion sets in!My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
Wheelbarrowed some more chippings, listened to footy, watched Rugby...........easy day today, well it is the weekend...........I'll make up for it tomorrow..............Last edited by Bigmallly; 12-03-2016, 09:56 PM.sigpic“Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,”
Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............
Originally posted by Bex2012 View PostWould have preferred to have spent more time over the allotment, its lovely today.Whoopee doo.....counting hundreds of individual plastic mail bags and manilla envelopes instead of being in my natural habitat and getting filthy and covered in soil!
Off tomorrow so going to get some stuff done on the plot and currently sitting here at my desk surrounded by flower & veggie seeds which I will be growing this year. Realised it's somehow almost halfway through March and I still don't have my planting schemes worked out yet!!!If I'm not on the Grapevine I can usually be found here!....
Went to the plot today and pulled up the last of my swedes from last year and dug the small bed they were in. Soil was as heavy as he'll after the last lot of rain so I would suggest you wait a week or two if you plan to dig you're plot.
Decided to join 2 small beds in preparation to put up a fruit cage ready for the raspberry canes when they arrive and same for my strawberry bed as I've got more plants to add to it.The day that Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck ...
... is the day they make vacuum cleaners
1. Dug up 5 small fir trees that I planted in the wrong place and reseeded
2. Filled a raised bed with topsoil / compost
3. Cut some gorse down and de-ivy-ed a tree
4. restaked 4 apple trees
5. planted out some broad beans that were growing in tubes in the tunnel
6. prepared some other beds for peas / beans later in the year
7. put some weed suppressant material around another apple tree (that's 4 done now)
A busy morning! Having a rest now...
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