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What I did today - 2016


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  • Had the tree surgeons at home all day removing trees and chipping. They helpfully delivered two tipper trucks of chippings to the lotty for me and there's more trees to cut down tomorrow, so probably another tipper load.
    Did some weeding and spread out some of the chippings between some of the beds. Probably did a bit more than I should, but it was so good to be able to spend most of the afternoon in the garden.
    What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?
    Pumpkin pi.


    • Another corner of my summerhouse erected this evening on my demolition site ploty!

      Only two more corners, back panels, side panels ,roof panels, frame work and glass front to go! That's without the roof felting, board painting, making a floor,fitting a derelict woodburner and all the other ancillary jobs required..........phew!

      If you want to make summat from nothing, its always going to take a while!

      I MAY even be in a position to post a progress piccie sometime next week (on hols)
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • I didn't actually do anything today - other than water - but I did take a few snaps

        The tomato plants enjoying the day in the tunnel

        Some chillies soaking up some rays

        Some peas in the foreground, some potatoes behind and some onions in the background

        Attached Files


        • popped into � land get a couple of garden taps. Went down the lottie and used my butt pump to move the water between my butts. I like my butt pump, going to be handy. It's solar powered so I can pump my butts by the power of the sun.
          Anyway, having drained the butt and unscrewed to tap I realised that the thread was too small. Pity, the tap doesn’t seem too bad - I I could put it on the blue barrels but then again now I have my butt pump I'll be pumping my blue butts by the power of the sun - oh.

          Put my butt back together putting silicone sealant round the thread to make sure it doesn’t leak.

          Sowed some okahijiki and some skirret and potted up Babington leeks, toms and Sweet Cicely..

          Strimmed 90% of the flowers in my new plot. Dont't worry the 10% left are the ones that weren't Dandelions.

          Started digging up the top bed with the rhubarb in it. Going was slow as theres couch grass on the top and old weed-proof fabric on the bottom (with regular spaced holes all over from where someone forgot it was there and kept sticking their fork through it.

          As I have all the beds in the new plot to grow my squash on I decided to scatter some wild flower mix around my trees to act as ground cover and mulch.

          New all singing all dancing blog - Jasons Jungle

          �I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb."
          ― Thomas A. Edison

          �Negative results are just what I want. They�re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don�t.�
          ― Thomas A. Edison

          - I must be a Nutter,VC says so -


          • Last couple of days....

            Took Husband and 2yo down to the plot to force them to dig for me. 2yo is a natural, but Husband requires coffee and chocolate bribery... Took the 2yo on our now regular ShedWatch walk. Am trying to introduce more variety into his vocabulary, so now we exclaim, "look! A green shed! A black shed!"* Next time I'll try to get him to identify overlap and tongue and groove...

            Feverishly inspected PSB. Decided to wait a bit longer till harvest.

            Did some more cultivation. Which on our plot mostly means going through the sods by fingertip, removing broken glass, nails, screws, bolts and perennial weed roots.

            Planted some Charlotte and Rooster spuds. Planted Sturon onion sets and covered with fleece to keep cosy and the keep the birds off.

            Back at home, sowed leeks Musselburgh, Prizetaker and Tadorna, courgette Black Forest and Green Bush, squash Uchiki Kuri, Crown Prince, marrow something-or-other and pumpkin Jack of All Trades. Potted up peppers Padron and.... something else. Hung over my new-at-end-of-last-season grow house rubbing my hands with glee and leering.

            *At least, that's what I say. The 2yo actually cries, "Nangle!" which is his word for Mr Tumble, who is his absolute favourite, because he associates sheds with Grandad Tumble.


            • Went to the plot with 2yo again. Laid membrane on another path, then we both dug old MPC out of a raised bed, and used it to make a patch for some donated rhubarb. Planted out the rhubarb, received a dozen strawberries from another generous plot holder and went on our shed-spotting walk. I can proudly report that the 2yo (who is a bit speech delayed) can now say "shed".


              • Not a lot done at the plot this evening after work. Cut and fastened a roof support into position on my summerhouse and de -nailed one of the roof spars.Dug out a likely candidate 8 X 4 board for the end and took out all old screws. Tried up the roof spar in position but realised I couldn't fasten it into position whilst holding it. Will ponder overnight on how to progress!
                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                Diversify & prosper


                • Not a very nice day today, all cold and damp. But I did get down the allotment to earth up my early potatoes, then came home and sowed a few more pots of seeds in the greenhouse.
                  My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                  Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                  • Filled all the window boxes with compostuand planted them up with plug plants I bought a few weeks ago and also cuttings of Fuschia and Geraniums I took in the autumn.
                    They will stay in the greenhouse until the weather gets a bit milder.

                    And when your back stops aching,
                    And your hands begin to harden.
                    You will find yourself a partner,
                    In the glory of the garden.

                    Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                    • my potatoes are peeking through! haven't the energy to earth them up tonight so hoping they can cope tonight and I'll earth them up tomorrow. Feels so mean when they've finally made it to the surface!!


                      • more this week rather than today. Finished the gh2 revamp. So it has been washed, whitened and the beds have been emptied and refilled I also accepted that no amount of bodging was going to work on my 2 water bottles so they were striped back and redone - touch wood there are no leaks


                        • Nothing, zilch, burger all! Until this evening when the grandkids descended to create havoc!

                          I have attempted to update / restart by blog on the vine retrospectively, nothing exciting but with the aid of my diaries i should manage it by the time England win the world cup


                          • Potted on 500+ begonias I'll probably dream about begonias tonight
                            Only another 180 to go...........tomorrow!
                            Last edited by veggiechicken; 22-04-2016, 08:08 PM.


                            • Here today Begonia tomorrow


                              • Originally posted by Greenleaves View Post
                                Nothing, zilch, burger all! Until this evening when the grandkids descended to create havoc!

                                I have attempted to update / restart by blog on the vine retrospectively, nothing exciting but with the aid of my diaries i should manage it by the time England win the world cup
                                So it's going to take a while then!


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