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What I did today - 2016


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  • Today has been a pottering around type of day, as my back too is killing me!
    Popped to the plot & gave the OH instructions on how to fill three of the raised beds
    Planted out a courgette, three squashes, a tomato (that im ashamed to say I bought, but Id not seen this variety before - Sub Artic, meant to be cold tolerant), and a row of celeriac. Also protected some transplanted peas that another plot holder had kindly given me...
    And then the fun began! I realised that an aldi fleece cloche had disapeared off my plot... Bit cheesed off, but it had been breezy & Id obviously not pegged it down well enough... All of a sudden, said cloche appears over the fencing three plots down, carried on the breeze.... Up, up, up it goes, heading for the cricket pitch over the back... Then it lodges in a tree... Six plot holders it took to retrieve it!


    • Planted out more runners, lettuce, and some herbs for companion planting. Potted on a couple of chilli's. Planted more flowers in the front garden the voles have got to get bored of eating my bedding plants soon!


      • Busy day... pulled up all the PSB and sorted out the bed. Dug holes for tomato flower buckets and planted out 10 tomato plants (I know... the rest are still protected for now just in case - I just needed the space!) and all my onions - sets and seeds.

        Unfortunately despite working through the big rain showers I ran out of time, so still lots to do next weekend. Good job its a bank hol!


        • ..what I did yesterday...
          Got in from work at 5pm then hit the lottie for a bit of hard graft!

          Planted two tayberries near the shed...
          Reinstalled the now non leaking water butt..
          Planted three tomatoes out..
          Planted four pumpkins out..
          Planted two squash out..
          Made a wigwam and planted 18 cobra climbing beans out..
          Watered stuff in..
          Harvested rhubarb and asparagus..
          Cut and strimmed the grass..
          But of hoeing..

          What I did today..

          Recovered from yesterday!
          ..bought some doff irganic chicken manure pellets from b and m 3kg �1.99
          Never used them, thought we'd give it a go!
          <*}}}>< Jonathan ><{{{*>


          • Popped back to the allotment this evening after working on my house all day, and finished up doing a bit more work on my summerhouse. Added some plywood to the roof. Only two glass panels to fit now plus work out how to fit a metal plate around the woodburner flue and infill the roof in that area.
            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

            Diversify & prosper


            • At home ..
              Opened greenhouse door, watered

              At mum n. Dads..
              Planted potatoes
              Sorted area for beans, squash, courgette , cuc,
              Moved flags
              Achilleas planted or moved/split
              peonies planted
              Beetroots thinned and planted
              Sieved soil
              Moved pots
              Secured fencing (stopping our dog from roaming to neighbour who keep leaving slices of bread out for birds. Labs =food=any way we can get it.
              Olive lab tore around parents garden non stop for 3hrs with Ernie spaniel , I'm sure both won't now move til the morning from exhaustion . Olive lab aged 6 ..Ernie spaniel 2.
              Northern England.


              • Trying to find mr mole and take him for a walk


                • Planted 50+ Sweetcorn plants and 15 Runner beans plus 2 x 15 Climbing French Beans on my 'Great Wall' of bean poles.

                  Put down 9 more Slug/Snail traps on the lottie.

                  Picked some more Rhubarb both forced pink stuff and the normal green stuff.
                  The day that Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck ...

                  ... is the day they make vacuum cleaners


                  • Yesterday potted 10 toms into final tubs and repotted my ceanothus. Planted out cabbage
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • Yesterday - weed and Mulch the strawberries and comfrey patch. Dig out the metal shelf half buried by the previous tenant, extract dross and couch grass and nettles to the tune of 3 sack loads and install the edgings along the back of the path. - Home garden clearance then back to the allotment with useful things for the allotment from the garden, strim the back path.

                      Not a single thing sown!!!! Really need to get some stuff in the ground.
                      . .......Man Vs Slug
                      Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                      Nutters Club Member


                      • Yesterday I took my sweetcorn seedlings down the plot to grow on in the polytunnel.
                        Picked all the chard in the tunnel and pulled up the plants to make space for some toms.
                        Sited an empty dalek, and filled it to the brim with half the weeds and filth I dug out on Saturday, along with some shredded cardboard and woodchip to dry it out a bit.
                        Laid woodchip on one of the paths that I dug out recently.
                        Dug another path out that had turned completely into weeds - added the composted woodchip to the adjacent beds.
                        Took down my brassica netting and pulled the last of the kale plants out.
                        Planted out the last of my successional sowings of broad beans.
                        Pricked out the last of my kale seedlings into 9cm pots.
                        Gave my onions, garlic and strawberries a comfrey feed.

                        This morning I checked on the sweetcorn and it seems to have doubled in size, so i guess it's happy!

                        Here's a pic of my kales, along with a few psb plants.

                        Attached Files


                        • Gave the summerhouse build a miss this evening as I've had a busy day, and to be honest couldn't be arrised with crawling around on the roof!
                          Had a bit of a tidy up instead and made the demarcation line for where my chicken coop and run will be.
                          Hoed off the weeds from an area, covered with cardboard and weighted it down with hoss muck. Planted four pumpkins through muck and cardboard and watered them in.

                          Heard on the radio on the way home we are going to have a ground frost tomorrow morning.............wonderful!
                          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                          Diversify & prosper


                          • Turned the compost, sieved some more of last years compost and used to pot on some Chives, Garlic Chives, Hollyhocks & Echinaceas


                            • Cleaned greenhouse (Oh pressure washed it afterwards )
                              Had a tidy round GH
                              Planted last of potatoes, a tidy , a sweep , weeding, cleaning .
                              A good day.
                              Northern England.


                              • Watered greenhouse, just got tomatoes, basil and a few odds in there now. Mowed and edged lawn, watered some planters, hanging baskets, etc.

                                Still got a lot more planting out to do.

                                Yesterday I tackled the forget-me-nots that had taken over the fruit garden, can now actually see the gooseberry and blackcurrant bushes.


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