Productive day today!
Went to the allotment with the idea of an easy day nursing my aches and pains and sowing a few seeds.
Decided that the only way the guy who delivers the hoss muck could pile anymore at my project akllotment was if i shifted what was there. Ten barrow loads later it was on my plot and ready for a new delivery!
Decided to see how easy it would be to get the glass panes out of one of the huts before I demolished it. I took the screws out that was holding two panes in and removed most of the silicone which was glueing it in. After a struggle I managed to get two panes out intact and kick out another pane that was cracked. Took out the sodden armchair from inside the hut then locked the gate and went to do what I originally came to the plots for in the first place!
All my seed tatties were firstly spread out in egg cartons on the greenhouse bench.
Sowed four lots of tomatoes and three lots of peppers ready to go into the propagator. I have 40 booklets to send out to plotholders so got rid of about 10 to plotholders on site which will save on postage.

Decided that the only way the guy who delivers the hoss muck could pile anymore at my project akllotment was if i shifted what was there. Ten barrow loads later it was on my plot and ready for a new delivery!

Decided to see how easy it would be to get the glass panes out of one of the huts before I demolished it. I took the screws out that was holding two panes in and removed most of the silicone which was glueing it in. After a struggle I managed to get two panes out intact and kick out another pane that was cracked. Took out the sodden armchair from inside the hut then locked the gate and went to do what I originally came to the plots for in the first place!

All my seed tatties were firstly spread out in egg cartons on the greenhouse bench.
Sowed four lots of tomatoes and three lots of peppers ready to go into the propagator. I have 40 booklets to send out to plotholders so got rid of about 10 to plotholders on site which will save on postage.