My mate and I used to have a competition to come to the pub with the first ripe tomato of the season and he always won, he set seed on 02/01 every year, couldn't sow on New Years Day............ he was in the pub with me.
But and its a big BUT, his 12 x 8 GH had a 3.5Kw fan heater for general heat with heat mats in home made glass cabinets for under soil heat and on top of that a semi professional lighting rig. When the light came on it looked like something out of Star Trek had landed.
That first tom must have cost a fortune and to be honest he wasn't that far in front at the end of the day.
But and its a big BUT, his 12 x 8 GH had a 3.5Kw fan heater for general heat with heat mats in home made glass cabinets for under soil heat and on top of that a semi professional lighting rig. When the light came on it looked like something out of Star Trek had landed.
That first tom must have cost a fortune and to be honest he wasn't that far in front at the end of the day.