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Tomato growing diary 2016


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  • Tomato growing diary 2016

    Thought it would be a nice idea to have a thread dedicated to tomato growing to see our progress and compare notes through the season.

    Please feel free to post, the more replies and especially pictures the better

    This is where I am at the moment, been very busy looking up varieties and buying seeds

    In my greenhouse im doing my own little cherry tomato trial, outside in one area im going to be comparing normal size tomatoes and in another area beefsteak varieties

    Attached Files
    Last edited by maverick451; 08-02-2016, 12:49 PM.

  • #2
    I'm only growing one variety in a caged tunnel, Orkado which have just been sown so may be subject to change if they don't germinate...............
    sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
    Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
    Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
    KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


    • #3
      I've done my initial sowing of toms which consists of:
      Black Icicle - VSP
      Indigo Rose
      Black Krim - VSP
      Black Sea Man - VSP
      White Queen - VSP
      Golden Sunrise
      Big Daddy

      So thats 10 varieties planted so far and I'm not even half way through my planned tom sowing yet. I'm expecting to use this year to try out a lot of varieties and cut back to favourites for next year.

      My current plan is to put about half a dozen plants in the polytunnel, 2-3 in a blow away, some (currently thinking 4-6) in hanging baskets and the rest will be planted in raised beds outside.

      I'll add some photos when there's something worth photographing, at the moment there are only some rather uninteresting looking pots
      Last edited by Ryleh; 08-02-2016, 01:22 PM. Reason: typo + clarification


      • #4
        Do you mean you've planted them?
        Or have you just sown them? I'm only just beginning to think about sowing them lol


        • #5
          Yeah sown them, should have been clearer


          • #6
            I resisted the urge to start sowing mine this morning as I decided it was too early.......................I will be off in a mo to get the seeds all out again.......

            Seeds for this year are -

            Tumbling Tom
            Princeps Borghese
            Tigerella - ta mag
            Balconi Yellow
            Red Alert

            All but one are bush and a couple of them are supposed to be more cold tolerant - we will see
            I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

            Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Lumpy View Post
              I resisted the urge to start sowing mine this morning as I decided it was too early.......................I will be off in a mo to get the seeds all out again.......
              Last year I sowed mine of the 11th February and to be honest found it a real pain keeping them warm at night from end of march onwards, Ive decided this year to resist and sow them end of Feb


              • #8
                I haven't sowed any yet,I've got these varieties this year,probably start a couple at the end of February.
                Ailsa Craig
                Balcony Red
                Gardeners Delight
                Garden Pearl
                Red Alert
                Sweet Million
                Sweet 'N' Neat
                Location : Essex


                • #9
                  I sowed 12 varieties on the 1st February. They were - Gardeners delight, Money Maker, Black Opal, Pink Charmer, Sungold, Red Pear, Yellow Pear, Cream Sausage, Roma VF, Tigerella, Golden Sunrise and Maskotka.

                  None of them have germinated yet but it shouldn't be long. I'll photograph them once a few of them have popped up.


                  • #10
                    I am growing far too many, i think about 40+ varieties, will have about 150 plants at the end probably more luckily the freezer and shelves are getting very empty and far too many mouths to give them away to.
                    I grow 70% for us and 30% for the snails, then the neighbours eats them



                    • #11
                      At least this thread has made me decide which to actually grow from the many varieties I have - thanks to the tom seed swap especially

                      For sauce, 4 Kibits and 4 Cornue des Andes - growing side by side - to see which is most productive for growing in future

                      Jaune Flamme, Black Cherry, Blush, Riesentraube, Nectar Rose and Carlton in the greenhouses and on the plot I'm trying Crimson Crush overwintered as cuttings, plus Grushkova, Raspberry Oxheart, Stonor's Most Prolific and Black Sea Man.

                      Plus a few Shirley in the garden .................. err that's rather a lot!

                      Oh well - in for a penny in for a ..............................tomato salad


                      • #12
                        My plan is:
                        2 Shirley sown 11th Jan, to be grown on the sitting room windowsill

                        These will also hopefully provide sideshoots to grow on for more plants

                        2 each of Balconi red and yellow, sown 3rd Feb but not yet germinated, to be grown on the spare room windowsill.

                        4 Shirley to go on the sitting room windowsill

                        1 Belle (beefsteak) to go in the greenhouse
                        4 Ferline to go outside
                        2 Garden Pearl to go in pots outside or possibly a hanging basket
                        4 Legend to go outside and in the greenhouse
                        4 Mountain Magic to go outside
                        3 Roma to go in the greenhouse
                        6 Sungold to go outside
                        (hopefully plenty of Shirley sideshoots to go on the windowsill, outside and in the greenhouse)

                        Final positions have not yet been finalized!
                        Attached Files
                        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                        • #13
                          Tomato sowings

                          I made my first sowings today,

                          I've gone for

                          Purple Ribbed Calabash(Beefsteak).
                          Suncherry Premium F1. ( Garden Which top Cherry type).
                          Sungold F1.
                          White Beauty (From the Organic seed Catalogue).
                          Abraham Lincoln (from USA).
                          Ferris Wheel (from USA).
                          Mountain Magic f1 (T&M's supposed wonder tomato).

                          Two more tomorrow, and last week I sowed Tomato Vilma f1, which is a pot plant type tomato.

                          Blogging at.....


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Jungle Jane View Post
                            I haven't sowed any yet,I've got these varieties this year,probably start a couple at the end of February.
                            Ailsa Craig
                            Balcony Red
                            Gardeners Delight
                            Garden Pearl
                            Red Alert
                            Sweet Million
                            Sweet 'N' Neat
                            They are all red, you should try a black Tom - black cherry or Black Russian or...


                            • #15
                              First 6 tomatoes of 2016 sown 13th January
                              First 5 from the Tomato Seed Circle and the 6th (Pendulina) from the VSP

                              Rambling Red Stripe
                              Alaskan Fancy

                              2 seeds of each
                              These have all germinated and their true leaves are showing. Now on the bedroom windowsill.

                              Sown 25th January

                              Yellow Pear
                              Red Siberian
                              Gardener's Delight
                              White Cherry
                              Tumbling Tom

                              All germinated and keeping the others company on the windowsill

                              Sown 1st February - 4 seeds of each
                              Oregon Spring )
                              Legend ) Both Parthenocarpic so don't need pollination.
                              Mountain Princess

                              These have also germinated and on the windowsill with the others.

                              Which ones to sow next - that is the question
                              Last edited by veggiechicken; 08-02-2016, 10:26 PM.


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