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Tomato growing diary 2016


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  • I've done my final tot as I am not sowing anymore at this stage...

    Not sure where they will all end up, but I have 40 varieties and 127 plants at the moment

    Every year I tell myself to limit what I sow and don't, and then can't throw them away when they germinate

    Amish Paste
    Black Cherry
    Black Krim
    Black Russian
    Bloody Butcher
    Boxcar Willie
    Brian Spain
    Brown Sugar
    Caspian Pink
    Chocolate Cherry
    Costuluto Genovese
    Dark Galaxy
    Gardener's Delight
    Green Zebra
    Henderson's Pink Ponderosa
    Nectar Rose
    Outdoor Girl
    Orange Favourite
    Otos Papa
    Paul Robeson
    Raspberry Oxheart
    Reg di Fasano
    San Marzano
    Silvery Fir Tree
    Sweet Millions
    Tondino Maremmano
    Trailing Garden Pearl
    Tumbling Tom Yellow
    Violet Jasper
    White Cherry
    Yellow Marble..

    should be the variety list...
    Last edited by Tripmeup; 13-04-2016, 12:31 PM. Reason: mis-count
    I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

    ...utterly nutterly


    • Main tomato sowing day today.
      1 Belle
      4 Ferline
      2 Garden Pearl
      3 Legend
      4 Mountain Magic
      4 Roma
      6 Sungold

      The Balconi red and yellow both have loads of little green tomatoes on them and the January sown Shirleys are also developing plenty of fruit. The later sown Shirleys have flower buds.
      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


      • When are you all moving your tomatoes into the GH? Ik VC and a few others already have, but this hot weather is tempting me like a siren to move my babies out, and I was going to until a taxi driver told me they forecast snow for London next weekend
        Forgive me for my pages of text.


        • Leave them indoors if you possibly can. The weather is going to get much colder from tomorrow and snow is a possibility. Frost is pretty much a certainty and tomatoes really like a temperature of 10C or more. At best they will get an almighty shock and at worst they could die.
          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


          • Originally posted by AkionTotocha View Post
            When are you all moving your tomatoes into the GH? Ik VC and a few others already have, but this hot weather is tempting me like a siren to move my babies out, and I was going to until a taxi driver told me they forecast snow for London next weekend
            Don't let me lead you astray - I have more toms indoors, just in case - and still time to start some more
            Its not hot here today


            • More toms seeds set today. - many thanks to Trip 5 brown Sugar.

              My toms are all indoors during the night Akion. It's been pretty cold some nights even with the protection of the green house. best be safe


              • My tomatoes stay out in the greenhouse now, I have a little paraffin heater that I put on at night.

                A few of the toms got a bit leggy under my grow lots earlier in the season, It seemed to be the cherry tomatoes that suffered most, the shirley and other bigger tom varieties all were fine, I decided to chop the leggy ones in half and let the main stem re grow from a side shoot, seems to be working quite well.

                I still need to sow my late mountain magic tomatoes which I will do in the next few days.
                Attached Files


                • You could have saved the top and stuck it in some water to send out some roots.

                  Fab GH, all looking good. I'm embarrassed to post mine, it's a little bit messier than yours with a "few" weeds


                  • Tomato Diary

                    Tomatoes in the greenhouse this afternoon.
                    Attached Files

                    And when your back stops aching,
                    And your hands begin to harden.
                    You will find yourself a partner,
                    In the glory of the garden.

                    Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                    • Originally posted by Tripmeup View Post
                      I've done my final tot......
                      Violet Jasper.
                      What's it like? I quite excited about this one


                      • Thanks for the advice all, patience is a very hard lesson, especially because the blowaway 4x6 got to 32c today with the door (flap lol) open. Yesterday it was 42c.....

                        ....but I did forget to open the door.
                        Last edited by AkionTotocha; 21-04-2016, 11:07 PM.
                        Forgive me for my pages of text.


                        • Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
                          What's it like? I quite excited about this one
                          Me too..I am growing it for its appearance alone
                          It's has "a jewel-like glow" apparently with a mild flavor and is low in acidity....
                          I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                          ...utterly nutterly


                          • Six ways to grow more tomatoes in containers

                            Scroll down to no 5, anyone heard of this before and i assume the washing up liquid is included ?


                            • Yes it says used washing up water.

                              Ive never heard of it before either.


                              • That's like when they say to squirt powdery mildew leaves (& spider mite) with a tiny bit of washing up liquid & water it helps the water penetrate better. It must help the roots take in water,would it help the roots take up all nutrients in the soil with the water? I squirted my Brussels sprouts like mad everyday with soapy water years ago when I had whitefly larvae in the tops & all that soapy water would've gone down to the roots,they were brilliant plants,I was expecting them to suffer a little bit,but none of them ever do,I've sprayed it on my plum tree,peppers,lettuce,beans,peas & cucumber too but only to get rid of pests or mildew.
                                Location : Essex


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