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Tomato growing diary 2016


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  • I picked my first tomato today. Latah bush, ive grown 2 plants and these both ave ripening fruit.
    Lucky leprechaun isn't far behind.

    VCs rambling red stripe is a fabulous plant and is full of fruit - again Ive got 2 plants on the go, both are similar for amount of fruit, just waiting for some of them to ripen.

    Mrs a Rucks is pretty early too,
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    • Deano, I just thought I'd scare you with my chaos!

      This is how the other half live !
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      • Here are my 2 Rambling Red's - nearly ripe

        I'll be taking a couple of armpits of these - I had 3 generations going last year and they kept producing until ?Nov/Dec.

        Another almost ripe is Sparrow's Sandpoint - Thank you

        Alaskan Fancy is so heavy with fruit I've had to support the trusses

        Latah has some very oddly shaped tomatoes!

        Oregon Spring and Legend - 2 parthenocarpic toms that I'm trying for the first time have fruit but are no earlier than some of the other bush toms.

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        • View from the door of the larger Tomato GH.

          On the right, south side - bush toms with even smaller ones like Balconi yellow and Sweetn'Neat in front

          On the left, north side - cordons at the back and bush (Tumbler & Gartenperle) in front

          I'll keep the other tom GH for another day!
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          • Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
            Deano, I just thought I'd scare you with my chaos!

            This is how the other half live !
            Yep! Ya right! That does scare me! .................

            My God! I wouldn't sleep!
            "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


            • VC When on earth did you sow that lot? Your miles ahead of the game! Either you have been blessed with the weather (Very much doubt being in Wales) or I am just crap at growing Tomatoes!

              But then again, Spring in this neck of the woods as not been the kindest this year!
              "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


              • One of my Shirley Tomatoes, a few small ones hallway up the plant.

                The lighter leaves you see is just sun reflection.
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                Last edited by allyby; 18-06-2016, 02:22 PM.


                • Originally posted by Deano's "Diggin It" View Post
                  VC When on earth did you sow that lot? Your miles ahead of the game! Either you have been blessed with the weather (Very much doubt being in Wales) or I am just crap at growing Tomatoes!

                  But then again, Spring in this neck of the woods as not been the kindest this year!

                  13th & 26th January - and its always sunshiny here


                  • Ya See! I do try keep up! But obviously not keeping up enough! ........
                    "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


                    • Ive noticed a blight spot on one leaf in a plant in the greenhouse

                      I sprayed them with Bordeaux mixture last week, I just knew it was coming.

                      Beginning to think this year might be a complete washout

                      Hopefully ive caught it early to and can contain it


                      • First Sungold will be ready in a day or two, Wife has a keen eye on it.

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                        • Looking through this thread I need to admit to tomato envy

                          Some great looking varieties, hoping mine make it to red fruits, have most plants in flower and some with a few small toms growing.

                          Learned a lot in this my first year, lots of things I will be doing differently, especially around my toms��


                          • What varieties are you growing Nick. Have you hot any favourites. Which ones are doing best so far?
                            Last edited by Scarlet; 10-07-2016, 09:58 PM.


                            • Best be quick allby

                              Could really do with some sun for my toms, well for everything tbh. Rain rain rain rain .
                              Northern England.


                              • Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
                                What varieties are you growing Nick. Have you hot any favourites. Which ones are doing best so far?
                                Hi scarlet. I got the special offer collections last bank holiday from suttons I think it was, as well as some freebies from a fellow Italian allotmenteer who said they would make great pasta sauces (pretty sure that's not a variety ) and a selection of what b&q were stocking. I know I have Alicia, Alicante amd tigrella but I will note down their types when I go tomorrow or Tuesday. It is my first year so am learning a lot as I go


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