Originally posted by Scarlet
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Chillies - what are you growing/overwintering?
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Originally posted by Small pumpkin View PostAs you can see scoot you're never going to get the same answer twice
Scarlet........ Gods darn it! Will you type slower
Originally posted by Small pumpkin View PostAs you can see scoot you're never going to get the same answer twice
Scarlet........ Gods darn it! Will you type slowerI grew ring of fire, they where little stocky plants and I think the Numex twilight grow to about 18inches? My tri colour variegata is about that height and it's in about 7L. It only has little chillies but it's done vey well.
#one finger typing rules
Originally posted by Scarlet View PostNone of the answers are wrongI grew ring of fire, they where little stocky plants and I think the Numex twilight grow to about 18inches? My tri colour variegata is about that height and it's in about 7L. It only has little chillies but it's done vey well.
#one finger typing rules
Originally posted by Small pumpkin View PostNice selection scoot. I would say all of those would really like being in 10lt pots. But like I said before it all depends on available space. Hungarian hot wax will be a new one for me next year. All the others have a nice little kick to them, and produce well.
This is what I'm talking about:
The hot wax has a propensity to set flowers a bit too early, which hurts the overall yield as they can struggle to put out more pods once the first few are growing and sapping resources from the plant. It is a good idea to pinch off the flowers for a good 2-3 weeks until you have lots of foliage, then let them fruit. I know that pinching off flowers is advice given by some people for all chillies, but I don't always follow it personally, however it is definitely worth pinching buds for the hot wax.Attached Files
Originally posted by JusPotterinTim View PostI haven't needed to yet. The Cherry Bomb was on the verge of taking over the mini greenhouse this sumer though, so if it got any bigger I would have pruned it.
Chilli plants can (obviously depending on variety) grow to 6ft or more and carry hundreds of pods per year. You would fill your freezer in the Summer if you used your growlights to start off some seeds early.
Originally posted by JusPotterinTimI think you might be impressed with the hungarian hot wax. They have a nice kick and are productive, well they were growing in my mini greenhouse. The heat is 2-3 times that of my Jalapeno (M type I think), but the surprising thing for me was the pods. They have a medium wall thickness, ripen quickly, and most of them are large and chunky, 15cm was a common length for me, and just under an inch thick mostly.
The hot wax has a propensity to set flowers a bit too early, which hurts the overall yield as they can struggle to put out more pods once the first few are growing and sapping resources from the plant. It is a good idea to pinch off the flowers for a good 2-3 weeks until you have lots of foliage, then let them fruit. I know that pinching off flowers is advice given by some people for all chillies, but I don't always follow it personally, and it is definitely worth pinching buds for the hot wax.)
I don't remove flowers. I don't have 2 or 3 weeks to spare at any time during the growing season. The season starts late, finishes early.
This year I ( and a few others on the vine ) experimented with decapitation. I won't be doing that again. Yes I had very healthy bushy plants but not enough time in the season for them to produce pods. None decapitated plants produced a lot more. A lot of people will of had different results. It all depends on your location.
Originally posted by Scarlet View PostJust trying to get my head around this...so in the Summer you don't let them crop fully? They stay the size to fit the blowaway?
Chilli plants can (obviously depending on variety) grow to 6ft or more and carry hundreds of pods per year. You would fill your freezer in the Summer if you used your growlights to start off some seeds early.
To be honest I prefer having less in one go and a more steady supply throughout the year, I prefer the texture of fresher pods.
Captain has good weather, he's down south. His chopped off plants produced much less do he won't be doing it again.
Mine were lovely looking but the cropped ones didn't perform as well either to be honest. My uncropped black naga..was very straggly, it didn't look pretty but I think I got at least 120pods of it. Though I couldn't get it to set fruit in a bagjust got the one pod. Though ive plenty that "may" have crossed with a trinidad scorpion butch
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