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Chillies - what are you growing/overwintering?


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  • No not thick at all, the full name for the type I THINK I have is 'Jalapeno M': Pepper (Hot) Seeds - "Jalapeno M"
    There are dozens of Jalapeno types, I think mine is the M type - it was just called 'Jalapeno' in the pack it came in. If I ever grow another Jalapeno from seed I will probably go with an early type as mine took a while to produce pods and ripen them, as long as it has decent heat levels.

    With the hot wax you'll lose a couple of weeks of flowering by pinching buds, but in my mind you'll get a crop much larger if you pinch off for a few weeks. They ripen quickly, 2-3 weeks quicker than the Jalapeno in my case, so you shouldn't lose out with the Hot Wax if you pinch off for a few weeks.

    Assuming worst case you can only get 1 crop per year due to the length of the season, pinching off could mean the difference between say 15 pods and 50. Once the pods are developing my plant just stopped putting out new flowers at all. By giving it a few more weeks of vegetative growth before allowing flowers to set it should decide it can cope with many more pods in one go, so when you do let the flowers grow a bit later on, you'll get many more coming through. I found this advice from South Devon Chilli farm who I buy seeds from, and it seems to be spot on:
    Last edited by JusPotterinTim; 15-11-2016, 10:18 AM.


    • Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
      Captain has good weather, he's down south. His chopped off plants produced much less do he won't be doing it again.
      Mine were lovely looking but the cropped ones didn't perform as well either to be honest. My uncropped black naga..was very straggly, it didn't look pretty but I think I got at least 120pods of it. Though I couldn't get it to set fruit in a bag just got the one pod. Though ive plenty that "may" have crossed with a trinidad scorpion butch
      I miss that weather down South, grew up in Devon, currently residing 'oop North, but looking for a return to warmer and sunnier climes.


      • Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
        Captain has good weather, he's down south. His chopped off plants produced much less do he won't be doing it again.
        Mine were lovely looking but the cropped ones didn't perform as well either to be honest. My uncropped black naga..was very straggly, it didn't look pretty but I think I got at least 120pods of it. Though I couldn't get it to set fruit in a bag just got the one pod. Though ive plenty that "may" have crossed with a trinidad scorpion butch
        Oooooh that could be a nice little cross to try next year. Are you going to give it a go? I wonder what colour the pods would be? Are they like animals the darker colour is more dominant?
        I really must go do my house work or I'm going to start naming the thing! about scarlet's Fire


        • I pinch out most early flowers and won't let any fruit start to set until I put my plants in the GH.


          • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
            Oooooh that could be a nice little cross to try next year. Are you going to give it a go? I wonder what colour the pods would be? Are they like animals the darker colour is more dominant?
            I really must go do my house work or I'm going to start naming the thing! about scarlet's Fire
            I dunno...I have loads if you want yo try? I may add. Them to the chilli circle, trip might grow would be Sod's law that it didn't cross at all!
            I'm supposed to be going out, I'm off in a bit! Just on a go slow this morning


            • Originally posted by JusPotterinTim View Post
              I prefer the texture of fresher pods.
              You haven't lived, nowt like a pickled pepper or chilli jam


              • Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
       need bargaining power. Ladies love little unexpected gifts. A small bunch of flowers or a surprise bottle of perfume, or just taken out for dinner
                What about a Twix?


                • Not good enough im skate!


                  • ^^^and I'd bet a quid that you'd want half


                    • Well of course!


                      • Originally posted by Chris11 View Post
                        If you particularly like the plant, I might be able to identify it for you. It's probably a 'Super Chilli F1'. I've seen the plants for sale in my local Sainsbury's.
                        Thanks; you may well be right about that. I had wondered if it was Super Chilli, which is why I said I thought it might be a hybrid. But the pics I can see online seem to show a creamy yellow phase in the ripening stage of Super Chilli whereas mine go straight from green to red, or at least an orangy red. That might be just the photos giving a false impression, though.

                        My local garden centre sells Super Chilli F1 seeds and I have bought a packet, although I don't think I'm going to grow them next year. I'm going to try Etna (also an F1?) instead, which I think might be similar but perhaps a bit hotter.


                        • Originally posted by JusPotterinTim View Post
                          Just to add, Mitzi, if the underside of your leaves looks like this then it is likely they have a case of oedema:


                          If so, it's not a disease as such, just a problem caused by the plants having too much water available to them, and should pull through I understand in most cases. Fungicide won't help with that.
                          No, it doesn't look granular like that. More like a white powder covering the undersides of the leaves. I'm thinking powdery mildew although it's not patchy like the pictures I see with an image search. It developed after the aphid infestation - leaves were sticky with honeydew. I know a photo would help with diagnosis but I'm having all sorts of problems with Photobucket lately. I'll try again.


                          • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                            Hi scoot
                            Rule of thumb is, the bigger the pot the bigger the chilli. This isn't true in all cases obviously. Ornamentals will be happy not going into really big pots. And if you use one of these
                            Chilligrow Planter for 2x Bigger Harvests
                            Really good for great crop without big pots.
                            Ooh, thanks for the link; that looks really good and not all that expensive. Those pots look really small, though, don't they?

                            I'm the same as Scoot - windowsill growing only (although I am going to try a couple of small ornamentals - Numex Twilight and Filius Blue - in patio pots outside) and my windowsills are not very wide. I'm planning to use the biggest pots I can fit but I don't know how many litres that will be. I grew in small pots (only about 6" diameter) this year and will definitely go as big as I can next year.


                            • Originally posted by Mitzi View Post
                              No, it doesn't look granular like that. More like a white powder covering the undersides of the leaves. I'm thinking powdery mildew although it's not patchy like the pictures I see with an image search. It developed after the aphid infestation - leaves were sticky with honeydew. I know a photo would help with diagnosis but I'm having all sorts of problems with Photobucket lately. I'll try again.
                              Powdery mildew is quite common. After an aphid attack the plants are usually prone to more problems. I don't use sprays etc unless home made but ifyou really want to try keeping it why not goand get a spray from the GC?

                              How tall are your windowsills? You can get narrow pots that are taller? Look at the pots that roses come in.
                              Cayennes give a fab crop if you can put them outside against a wall.


                              • Originally posted by Mitzi View Post
                                Ooh, thanks for the link; that looks really good and not all that expensive. Those pots look really small, though, don't they?

                                I'm the same as Scoot - windowsill growing only (although I am going to try a couple of small ornamentals - Numex Twilight and Filius Blue - in patio pots outside) and my windowsills are not very wide. I'm planning to use the biggest pots I can fit but I don't know how many litres that will be. I grew in small pots (only about 6" diameter) this year and will definitely go as big as I can next year.
                                The chilli grow pots are 6lt ( I eventually found the information from that link ) and they sit on a 7lt reservoir which is about 10" wide, I didn't work out the length but it's on the website.

                                I like filius blue, a nice compact plant that produces an amazing amount of mild chillies


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