No not thick at all, the full name for the type I THINK I have is 'Jalapeno M': Pepper (Hot) Seeds - "Jalapeno M"
There are dozens of Jalapeno types, I think mine is the M type - it was just called 'Jalapeno' in the pack it came in. If I ever grow another Jalapeno from seed I will probably go with an early type as mine took a while to produce pods and ripen them, as long as it has decent heat levels.
With the hot wax you'll lose a couple of weeks of flowering by pinching buds, but in my mind you'll get a crop much larger if you pinch off for a few weeks. They ripen quickly, 2-3 weeks quicker than the Jalapeno in my case, so you shouldn't lose out with the Hot Wax if you pinch off for a few weeks.
Assuming worst case you can only get 1 crop per year due to the length of the season, pinching off could mean the difference between say 15 pods and 50. Once the pods are developing my plant just stopped putting out new flowers at all. By giving it a few more weeks of vegetative growth before allowing flowers to set it should decide it can cope with many more pods in one go, so when you do let the flowers grow a bit later on, you'll get many more coming through. I found this advice from South Devon Chilli farm who I buy seeds from, and it seems to be spot on:
There are dozens of Jalapeno types, I think mine is the M type - it was just called 'Jalapeno' in the pack it came in. If I ever grow another Jalapeno from seed I will probably go with an early type as mine took a while to produce pods and ripen them, as long as it has decent heat levels.
With the hot wax you'll lose a couple of weeks of flowering by pinching buds, but in my mind you'll get a crop much larger if you pinch off for a few weeks. They ripen quickly, 2-3 weeks quicker than the Jalapeno in my case, so you shouldn't lose out with the Hot Wax if you pinch off for a few weeks.
Assuming worst case you can only get 1 crop per year due to the length of the season, pinching off could mean the difference between say 15 pods and 50. Once the pods are developing my plant just stopped putting out new flowers at all. By giving it a few more weeks of vegetative growth before allowing flowers to set it should decide it can cope with many more pods in one go, so when you do let the flowers grow a bit later on, you'll get many more coming through. I found this advice from South Devon Chilli farm who I buy seeds from, and it seems to be spot on: