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Chillies - what are you growing/overwintering?


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  • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
    I've gone and done it ! I've started sowing next years chilli seeds
    All my super hots are now in the propagator
    Fatalii Jigsaw
    Dorset Naga
    Black Naga
    Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion

    If they all germinate, I will have some spare ones at some point. If anyone would be interested.

    Free, just cover postage
    Now that's eager
    I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

    ...utterly nutterly


    • Originally posted by Tripmeup View Post
      Now that's eager
      Ha ha yeah it is a bit just an experiment. Because this years spring and most of the summer was pitiful, very few of my chillies ripened on the plants ( with the usual Feb sowing ). So super hots have gone in now. I've got a list of things to go in next month and January with just jalape�o & holey mole being sown in Feb like normal. Hopefully by time my super hots have germinated, my window sill will be free from ripening chillies & I will of sold enough chillies to pay for my lights I want ( I'm half way there ).

      I'm just full of dumb ideas


      • Originally posted by the big lebowski View Post
        hi all ,i see everyone is stocking up for next year and looking at the lists that are being put up i see alot of superhots being put up ,i think they look great and im tempted to try some myself but what do you do with the chillis when you have grown then ?
        The first thing you do with super hots is treat them with a huge amount of respect ( or they will make you suffer ). Advisable to wear gloves when handling the chilli pod, especially when cutting them up. You can still use them in every day cooking, sauces, chutneys. Just use them very sparingly. A lot of people put a whole super hot in a curry while it cooks then remove it before serving. Some super hots go by the name of 7 pots, apparently one pod has enough heat for 7 pots of food. just to give you an idea of the heat levels, most super hots I believe are somewhere around the 1 million Scoville and higher.
        Hope that helps.


        • yes thats exactly what i mean sp ,i think im going to need a bigger freezer ha ha
          The Dude abides.


          • Just had this bought for me for Xmas...


            Roll on February when i can get my chillies started.


            • Good for you Scoot. Did you have to drop very big hints?

              I hope it's going to be hidden from you & wrapped up, can't have you playing with new toy before christmad


              • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                Good for you Scoot. Did you have to drop very big hints?

                I hope it's going to be hidden from you & wrapped up, can't have you playing with new toy before christmad
                Couple of hints have been dropped since about August

                I'll have to have a little go of it when it arrives just to make sure it works (must try not to start some chilli seeds away when it arrives).


                • Originally posted by Scoot View Post
                  (must try not to start some chilli seeds away when it arrives).
                  Why not ? I have
                  But then it has been pointed out ( several times) that I'm a bit nuts

                  You stick to February chilli sowing like a normal person


                  • It'll end up being January I reckon


                    • Originally posted by Scoot View Post
                      Just had this bought for me for Xmas...


                      Roll on February when i can get my chillies started.
                      I think I'm getting the exact same thing for my Christmas present too! Although it only heats to 8 degrees over ambient temperature, so it might not be warm enough for some of the hot chillies.

                      Good luck with yours, and please do keep us informed as to how you are doing with it.

                      Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                      Why not ? I have
                      But then it has been pointed out ( several times) that I'm a bit nuts

                      You stick to February chilli sowing like a normal person
                      I have a confession to make: I put just a few seeds in damp tissue paper and stuck them over a radiator this morning. But I don't have any grow lights (yet???) so this is just stupid of me. I'm calling it a germination viability test. It's not even superhots, so I can't use the "need to maximise the growing season" excuse. But I just couldn't wait. They are, ahem, Peter pepper.
                      Last edited by Mitzi; 18-11-2016, 05:43 PM.


                      • You'll have to let us know how your viability test goes

                        I've not tried growing Peter pepper.


                        • Your going to have fun Scoot..i know i


                          • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                            You'll have to let us know how your viability test goes

                            I've not tried growing Peter pepper.
                            A friend has offered to grow a couple of chillies for me in her greenhouse. If they grow, I'm going to give them to her, without being specific about the variety, and hope they develop the proper shape.


                            • Originally posted by Mitzi View Post
                              I think I'm getting the exact same thing for my Christmas present too! Although it only heats to 8 degrees over ambient temperature, so it might not be warm enough for some of the hot chillies.

                              Good luck with yours, and please do keep us informed as to how you are doing with it.

                              I have a confession to make: I put just a few seeds in damp tissue paper and stuck them over a radiator this morning. But I don't have any grow lights (yet???) so this is just stupid of me. I'm calling it a germination viability test. It's not even superhots, so I can't use the "need to maximise the growing season" excuse. But I just couldn't wait. They are, ahem, Peter pepper.
                              I think the hottest one I'm growing is either scotch bonnet or numex twilight. Im not that bothered about the super hots. Yet.


                              • Originally posted by Mitzi View Post
                                A friend has offered to grow a couple of chillies for me in her greenhouse. If they grow, I'm going to give them to her, without being specific about the variety, and hope they develop the proper shape.

                                That's very nice of your friend all you have to do now is keep it alive until it can go into your friends greenhouse. Which will be mid April at the very earliest.
                                Good luck


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