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Chillies - what are you growing/overwintering?


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  • #91
    7 out of the 19 varieties I'm growing this year have germinated.
    So far holy mole, jays peach ghost scorpion, ghost, numex pi�ata, habanero ( thanks scarlet) and joe's long.
    They've taken between 9 & 11 day to germinate. Which isn't to bad. I don't think? So I'm not panicking about the others yet. Getting impatient but not panicking .


    • #92
      I've nearly got to the stage of growing enough chillies so some can be dried and eaten year round without buying any of the poor supermarket selection.
      Conversely, I also sometimes extract seeds from any interesting supermarket chillies or tomatoes and grow them as an experiment, more out of curiosity than any expectation of good results.

      In the depths of winter with no fresh or dried home grown available, the Asda dried habanero flakes are quite good, and definitely have a habanero smell and taste So I've tried germinating them and the first seed has popped up this evening. I have no idea what variety they are, or whether they are F1s that will lead to random F2 results.

      Attached Files


      • #93
        I am pricking out my new seedlings this morning - Hungarian Black, Rob Smith's trial chillies (B), Padron, and (oh happy day) FISH chillies which I've not been able to grow 2 years running. Plus Lipstick and Goccia d'Oro peppers. The others are starting to show - Sheepnose, Pasilla Bajio and Bulgarian Carrot. - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


        • #94
          I'd be interested to know what kind of crop you get with your Bulgarian Carrot Sparrow. I only tried it the once but I had hardly any fruit at all so I haven't tried it again.

          Chris, ive often grown seeds from shop stuff as an experiment and had really great results. Though these days I like to grow stuff with a name.


          • #95
            I'm going to have to either cull or re-home some chillies soon. I have more than 40 plantlings. I hate chucking out good plants.
   - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


            • #96
              About two of the Facing heaven sprouted Scarlet , ive about 8 padron seedlings and about 40 red manzano lol, they nearly all came up
              My black naga is looking ok but growing very slowly, everything else looking grand appart from a few greenfly
              seen the price on ladybird larva ?, crazy money

              Forgot about the Hungarian Black, they did well too, ive about 8 or 9 of those too, never seen chillis with puple/black leaves before , really sexy
              Last edited by jackarmy; 09-03-2016, 01:07 PM.


              • #97
                Just squish those greenfly and keep doing it
                Hmmm,I had the same problem with the manzano.....they were old seeds. Pot them on and give them away


                • #98
                  I think I have 12 of my 21 varieties have germinated so far I am starting to panic a bit now!
                  I'm very impressed with my holy mole seedlings. They are like seedlings but on steroids!
                  Never grown them before, it will be interesting to see what they do.


                  • #99
                    Right I'm joining this thread because I'm sowing some tonight but ......

                    I've also cheated and ordered from DT Brown some plants as well. Will be expecting:

                    2 x Carolina Reaper (2,200,000+ on SHU)
                    2 x Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Yellow (2,000,000 on SHU)
                    2 x Naga Morich (1,000,000 on SHU)
                    2 x Ghost Chilli (Bhut Jolokia) (1,041,427 on SHU)

                    also ordered the full Fire Proximity Suit with helmet and visor for handling these babies lol
                    The day that Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck ...

                    ... is the day they make vacuum cleaners


                    • Having major issues getting my Numex Twilight chillis to germinate. I only want 2 plants, i have 1 already but can i hell get a second seedling to germinate. Exactly the same for my Guindilla. Only 1 germinated and i want 2. Resowed about 8 of each again today to see if i can get that 1 extra plant of each. All ihave is a sunny wndowsill so i know where the problem lies.


                      • Originally posted by Scoot View Post
                        All ihave is a sunny wndowsill so i know where the problem lies.
                        Pre chit your seeds on a damp piece of kitchen roll sealed in a Tupperware/plastic pot and place it on the top of your will be surprised how quick you'll spot the root.
                        Last edited by Scarlet; 09-03-2016, 06:21 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Muddy_Boots View Post
                          Right I'm joining this thread because I'm sowing some tonight but ......
                          We also have a chilli seed circle for this year if you are interested in saving seed. You just need to save one variety....


                          • Originally posted by jackarmy View Post
                            Forgot about the Hungarian Black, they did well too, ive about 8 or 9 of those too, never seen chillis with puple/black leaves before , really sexy
                            I've just had to bin some I've kept 3 ...agree, they definately look sexy


                            • Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
                              Pre chit your seeds on a damp piece of kitchen roll sealed in a Tupperware/plastic pot and place it on the top of your will be surprised how quick you'll spot the root.
                              I'm going try that. Thanks scarlet. Would airing cupboard work or do they need light as well as heat to start off? I've got a few not playing ball.


                              • You could put the tray in the airing cupboard if you have one, or on top of a boiler. Light is crucial post-germination (so check the tray daily so you don't miss any shoots coming through into darkness and then going spindly and pale), but not essential initially.

                                Or you could get a basic propagator tray designed to fit window sills:

                                Super 7 Self Watering Propagators from Gardening Naturally

                                Consistent warmth is the key
                                Last edited by Philthy; 09-03-2016, 07:39 PM.


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