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Chillies - what are you growing/overwintering?


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  • Originally posted by cptncrackoff View Post
    and 'other areas'..

    Really hurts lol


    • Originally posted by cptncrackoff View Post
      I grilled them a then skinned them, scooped out the seeds and mush.. filled with cream cheese and garlic and then grilled again! Really nice.. but..

      I was fine until I had a hot bath tonight, my hands are burning like the fires of hell, actually..not just my hands, my face and 'other areas'..

      Really hurts lol
      That sounds really delish ~ but what price ................

      Originally posted by Ladyslip View Post
      Oh dear .............. one can but only imagine .....................
      ~~~ Gardening is medicine that does not need
      a prescription ... And with no limit on dosage.
      - Author Unknown ~~~


      • Just wondered if I wanted to try to overwinter a couple of chilli plant what the procedure would be, would I just leave them on the window sill but water less and not feed?


        • Slug/Snail Damage

          Hi chilli heads

          I believe I have some snail and slug damage. I caught a snail on my plants and have noticed the stalk of some of my chillis have been stripped and also to attaching stalk part has been eaten round to. The chilli's don't appear to have been penetrated themselves just the stalks stripped so they're really thin. Does this sound like snail/slug eating around the pepper without it having the balls to actually go inside my pretty hot apaches? lol

          I'm not home so can't send a pic at mo.

          Also I cut these chillis off last night. Most a quite mature and look fine other than the stalks, Is it possible I could still use these for drying out and using as chilli flakes?

          Your help and experience would be much appreciated



          • Have you looked for caterpillars? They are crafty, look for small holes in your can dry your pods if they are mature and haven't got any holes in them. Photos would help.

            Welcome to the vine


            • Hi Scarlet,

              I've only seen one caterpillar this year in the garden and I've been in there everyday or night pretty much. I've cut the chilli's with this problem off the plants last night. I'll try and find some later and send a pic. Its hasn't effected the whole plants, they're not been decimated by it, which is great.

              I do tend to chase the sun around the garden and this has only really began to happen since moving them near a big long ivy bush that engulfs my neighbours fence.

              I'll get back to yah with pics when I can, thanks for the speedy reply

              much appreciated


              • Caterpillars are really good at hiding and you want them off quick as they will get into your chilli pods. Although, caterpillars, slugs and snails all cause the damage you describe


                • Photos of the Attack!

                  Hey Scarlet

                  Spurred on by your speedy reply I've managed to pop back for lunch and take these pics.

                  Anyone else too, please feel free to wade into this question if you like

                  As you can see from last picture, I think they're generally looking pretty good, its just the odd branch or small section.

                  Shall I cut these off parts off across the plants? Thought it might be an idea for the plant to concentrate on just the healthy sections by removing these areas

                  Many thanks again for your opinions and thoughts people. It really does help going straight here with my questions rather than trawling the web or lurking through countless pages to find something similar.

                  Attached Files


                  • Lovely looking plant!

                    On the first pic the branch looks really nibbled and is going brown? If that is the case, I would think about cutting that back...but wait for some more opinions first!
                    But that looks to be the only one I would consider losing.

                    The pods look fine.
                    Have you thought of freezing them? They freeze really well. I just slice and put in small bags or just chop in half and freeze. They are also lovely pickled.


                    • Thanks for help

                      I think it makes sense to remove these parts, there's plenty of other branches in fine health across the plant, I can't see it being detrimental.

                      Yeah the pods themselves haven't been penetrated so I don't want to waste them. I think I'm going to dry them out as I don't have a freezer at the moment. Hopefullly I'll have a freezer back then I can do a proper harvest. Plants have only just started to ripen at mo.

                      It's my first season growing, There's so much to learn! Also with what to do with them after, recipes, drying, freezing, cooking. Its all good fun

                      Thanks again


                      • Trevor & Simon have babies

                        This is Trevor

                        This is one of his babies

                        Simon looks very similar but is more difficult to photograph.
                        I'm so proud of them both
                        Attached Files


                        • are truly crackers!


                          • Thank you


                            • YAYYY for Trevor & Simon


                              • Originally posted by cptncrackoff View Post
                                I grilled them a then skinned them, scooped out the seeds and mush.. filled with cream cheese and garlic and then grilled again! Really nice.. but..

                                I was fine until I had a hot bath tonight, my hands are burning like the fires of hell, actually..not just my hands, my face and 'other areas'..

                                Really hurts lol
                                poor Cptn. Hint.... wear gloves then cutting up chillis.


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