I have a cunning plan to grow carrots this year - based largely on the advice in http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/gra...hlight=carrots
Also, stealing an idea from Bigmallly's potato experiment
The plan is to sow a flower bucket of carrots every week from now until September with the aim of harvesting a bucket load of carrots a week
I don't want to grow huge carrots - any size would make me happy! I'm aiming for a 12 week turnaround so 12 buckets will be on the go most of the time.
If a weekly bucket is too much, it could be done fortnightly, or monthly.
Since I have so many carrot seeds, I'm going to sow a different variety each week to see which performs best.
They'll be started in the GH and, as the weather improves, moved outdoors under netting.
Any other Nutters up for the Carrot Challenge?
Also, stealing an idea from Bigmallly's potato experiment

The plan is to sow a flower bucket of carrots every week from now until September with the aim of harvesting a bucket load of carrots a week

If a weekly bucket is too much, it could be done fortnightly, or monthly.
Since I have so many carrot seeds, I'm going to sow a different variety each week to see which performs best.
They'll be started in the GH and, as the weather improves, moved outdoors under netting.
Any other Nutters up for the Carrot Challenge?