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What is your most successful crop ever?


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  • #16
    Docks and nettles I'm really good at every year, but second best this year are all my root crops. Despite all the rain, they all seem to be thriving. Anything that fruits above ground is looking a bit worse for wear, but most things are hanging on. Just started eating my first ever turnip crop, they're delicious.
    I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!


    • #17
      My peas are doing brilliantly! I think theyr kelvedon wonder. Theyr so sweet, me and my little girl just keep eating them straight from the pods. I havent cooked any yet! my carrots also look fabulous,they are Autumn King and another variety which I have labelled as CRC2 which stands for what I dont know. Should start pulling them the end of this month,the tops look beautiful and when I pull the soil off the tops they are looking good! Maybe its cos I planted them with onions I dont know.


      • #18
        The best crop I have had was A french climbing bean called Fasold.

        I grew them in our garden 3 years ago before I had an allotment. We were taking green beans off for what seemed like months. Gave loads away and still had more than we needed.

        The next 2 years I tried them at my allotment. Don't know what happened first year I got some beans but not as many as previous. The next year the plants were attacked before they could establish so I lost them.

        I am trying a dwarf french bean this year but the weather is hampering progress.


        • #19
          Carrots and onions without a doubt.


          • #20
            I always seem to do well with beans. Any type. I also get good crops of toms - maybe because I grow loads - I don't think I've got a particular skill with them. We both love beans and toms too - I hope I don't get too good at parsnips!
            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

   Updated March 9th - Spring


            • #21
              Leeks seem to be enjoying the wet weather. Also the pumpkin patch is growing out of control this year. I don't know if that means I will get lts of pumpkins yet though. I can dream of pumpkin soup galore though.



              • #22
                slugs and snails.... and do you know what? I don't even remember sowing the seeds, they are every where!


                • #23
                  My best crops have been from...

                  Apache chilli - about 150 chillis from two plants, two years ago. Still eating the dried ones.

                  Rocky cucumber - indoor mini cucumber. Delightful, really small cucumbers, a doddle to grow, smooth skinned, crunchy & easy to eat - converted me and some friends back to cucumbers in a big way. About 120 fruits from 3 plants in a grow-bag. And the real joy is that in Boots, you pay £1.50 for a lunch-pack of three of these little beauties! he he!


                  • #24
                    My most succesfull crops are: winter cress, lemon cucumber, courgettes, parisian carrot, rainbow chard, water cress, new zealand spinazie, ishikura spring onions, mizuna, pak soy,tat soy, kai lan, collards, norli mange tout, Rumanian hot wax pepper and it seems that all the winter squash ( pomme d'or, yokohama & red kuri ) are starting to bloom... finger cross and hope they crop well too. As for tomatoes, they are all gone... blight! I was hoping so much to pick and taste some of my black tomatoes, but now has to wait till next year.

                    I grow, I pick, I eat ...


                    • #25
                      My cut and come again Lettuce has done well, also we've had enough for 3 dinners off the dwarf runner beans.

                      Not bad to say I'm only growing in pots.
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • #26
                        This year so far I'd say the overwintering onions, overwintering garlic, courgettes, the cucumber in the greenhouse, broad beans, mange tout and salad veg (spring onions, radish and lettuces)! Still lots growing tho, so still plenty of time for bumoer crops!
                        Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

                        'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

                        The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
                        Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
                        Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
                        On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


                        • #27
                          My potatoes and lettuce have been particularly successful this year. My onions and carrots look good too; I have also planted Autumn King, also Amsterdam Forcing 2, but the Autumn King I have grown in tubs to deter carrot fly, and look huge, so looking forward to eating those


                          • #28
                            My Charlotte Potatoes have been a triumph! Although, I really have no base for comparison - as it is my first attempt at potatoes.

                            Life is a spreadsheet


                            • #29
                              My lettuce was surprisingly good this year, slugs hardly touched it at all. Onions from seed are also looking excellent, and i have lots and lots of peas both early spring sown and maincrop. Tomatoes started well but since I planted them out (under cloches) the weather turned cold and they're looking very sad now.

                              Dwell simply ~ love richly


                              • #30
                                Garlic, followed by fat slugs.
                                Blogging at.....


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