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Eaten vegetables since April


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  • Eaten vegetables since April

    Just out of curiosity, what vegetables have you eaten from your garden since April? I'm just wondering what all the various vegetables one could be eating by this time of the year if one get their act together with the seed sowing and planting etc.

    I've had tons of Spinach, a handful of Mangetout, 1 strawberry and 1 Courgette so far.
    Last edited by veg4681; 16-07-2007, 11:38 PM.
    Food for Free

  • #2

    Since April we've had first and second early potatoes, courgettes (10 so far), a handful of peas and lots of "cut and come again" lettuce. We've also had just enough raspberries, blackcurrants, blackberries and strawberries to put on top of ice-cream!



    • #3
      Since April (from a plot and a half) we've had :-

      About 35lb of rhubarb, still loads more to harvest!
      About 10lb of strawberries, the early fruiting ones seem to have about finished now, but the late fruiting are starting to flower and produce fruit!
      About 6lb of early fruiting rasps, tho we've only about 8 or so early fruiting canes, the other 60+ canes are all late fruiting, so still lots of time for them to fruit yet!
      About 1 1/2lb of cherries from one 4 year old tree
      About 3lb of blackcurrants, probably another 3 or 4 lb to harvest yet
      About 45 white onions and 250 red onions, still have spring sewn sets (about 45) and onions grown from seed (about 35) plus banana shallots (about 25) to harvest!
      About 6lb of new spuds
      About 30lb of first early spuds, still 2 beds (5' by 15') of maincrops to harvest
      About 30 ripe toms of various varieties, lots of green toms now appearing on most of our 50 or so tomsato plants
      About 80+ radish of 3 varieties, still lots more growing away nicely!
      About 45 spring onions, still about 65 approaching harvest and more to sew
      About 10 carrots, still about 80 or so that are being left to get a bit bigger!
      About 6 parsnips, still about 100 growing away for main harvest later in the year!
      About 14 cucumbers from one marketmore in the greenhouse, which has another 6 or 7 at various stages of growth, and a further 5 plants outdoors on the cucumber ramp!
      About 23 courgettes from 5 plants, and more appearing all the time!
      About 15 green peppers, lots more growing on the 6 plants in the greenhouse!
      About 6 portions of sprouting broccolli, more growing on the 6 plants we have growing!
      About 6 lettuces, a further 7 little gems are almost ready to harvest!
      About 45 bulbs of garlic from the overwintering bed, with another 30 or so spring sown that are still growing nicely!
      About 5lb of mange tout, which is still producing lots!
      About 8lb of broad beans, still about 70% of the harvest to take from them yet!
      About 1/2lb of peas, lots of pods on 2 of the varieties, which we are hopeing to start cropping soon!
      2 cabbages, with a further 7 white almost ready to harvest and 6 reds not far behind, plus about another 50 cabbages at various stages of growth and some more to plant out!
      1 cauli, with a further 5 growing steadily
      2 turnips, with another 30 or so growing.

      Still to harvest :-

      French beans (about 90 plants of 3 varieties) flowering but no beans yet!
      Chillies, 11 varieties, 11 plants in the grenhouse, 13 in the house, 5 outdoors on the plot and 12 outside in the back yard, lots of fruit from the greenhouse and a few on the indoor ones, others are flowering, but not harvesting until they all get a bit riper!
      Jerusalem Fartichokes, 2 beds, one of about 8' by 8' and the other 8' by 3', plants are at between 5' and 8' tall, tubers should be enough for a good harvest later in the year!
      Cooking apples - approx 80 ripening for harvest off one 5 year old tree
      Eating apples - approx 25 ripening off one 5 year old tree
      Pickling onions - about 150 growing but still too small to harvest
      Sweetcorn, about 75 plants of 3 varities just starting to show the corn cobs
      Minipop Sweetcorn - about 45 plants, but no harvest as yet
      Gherkins - 2 plants, just starting to show some fruit
      Pumpkins - about 40 plants, flowering and fruit has begun to set
      Squashes - about 30 plants, just setting fruits now
      Beetroot - about 16 growing away nicely, but not harvested any yet!
      Late rasps - 60 or so canes so possibilities for a good harvest!
      Gooseberries - not much success with these so far, but they are ripening up, so will probably harvest in the very near future!
      Celery - 2 in the greenhouse approaching edible size and a further 23 plants outdoors which seem to be doing ok.

      Its our first year growing, so we've no idea if we are doing well or failing abysmally, but so far we are fairly happy with what we've had! Just hope the weather improves enough to allow us all to get some reasonable crops before the growing season ends!

      I have a shrewd idea that Pigletwillie and one or two other grapevine regulars will have had a lot more than us so far tho!
      Last edited by Mrs Dobby; 16-07-2007, 07:28 PM.
      Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

      'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

      The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
      Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
      Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
      On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


      • #4
        Brocolli, cabbage, cauliflower, broad beans, carrots, lettuce, khol rabi, raspberries,strawberries, potatoes, not many peas, tomatoes, runner beans


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mrs Dobby View Post
          Since April (from a plot and a half) we've had :-

          About 35lb of rhubarb, still loads more to harvest!
          About 10lb of strawberries, the early fruiting ones seem to have about finished now, but the late fruiting are starting to flower and produce fruit!
          About 6lb of early fruiting rasps, tho we've only about 8 or so early fruiting canes, the other 60+ canes are all late fruiting, so still lots of time for them to fruit yet!
          About 1 1/2lb of cherries from one 4 year old tree
          About 3lb of blackcurrants, probably another 3 or 4 lb to harvest yet
          About 45 white onions and 250 red onions, still have spring sewn sets (about 45) and onions grown from seed (about 35) plus banana shallots (about 25) to harvest!
          About 6lb of new spuds
          About 30lb of first early spuds, still 2 beds (5' by 15') of maincrops to harvest
          About 30 ripe toms of various varieties, lots of green toms now appearing on most of our 50 or so tomsato plants
          About 80+ radish of 3 varieties, still lots more growing away nicely!
          About 45 spring onions, still about 65 approaching harvest and more to sew
          About 10 carrots, still about 80 or so that are being left to get a bit bigger!
          About 6 parsnips, still about 100 growing away for main harvest later in the year!
          About 14 cucumbers from one marketmore in the greenhouse, which has another 6 or 7 at various stages of growth, and a further 5 plants outdoors on the cucumber ramp!
          About 23 courgettes from 5 plants, and more appearing all the time!
          About 15 green peppers, lots more growing on the 6 plants in the greenhouse!
          About 6 portions of sprouting broccolli, more growing on the 6 plants we have growing!
          About 6 lettuces, a further 7 little gems are almost ready to harvest!
          About 45 bulbs of garlic from the overwintering bed, with another 30 or so spring sown that are still growing nicely!
          About 5lb of mange tout, which is still producing lots!
          About 8lb of broad beans, still about 70% of the harvest to take from them yet!
          About 1/2lb of peas, lots of pods on 2 of the varieties, which we are hopeing to start cropping soon!
          2 cabbages, with a further 7 white almost ready to harvest and 6 reds not far behind, plus about another 50 cabbages at various stages of growth and some more to plant out!
          1 cauli, with a further 5 growing steadily
          2 turnips, with another 30 or so growing.

          Still to harvest :-

          French beans (about 90 plants of 3 varieties) flowering but no beans yet!
          Chillies, 11 varieties, 11 plants in the grenhouse, 13 in the house, 5 outdoors on the plot and 12 outside in the back yard, lots of fruit from the greenhouse and a few on the indoor ones, others are flowering, but not harvesting until they all get a bit riper!
          Jerusalem Fartichokes, 2 beds, one of about 8' by 8' and the other 8' by 3', plants are at between 5' and 8' tall, tubers should be enough for a good harvest later in the year!
          Cooking apples - approx 80 ripening for harvest off one 5 year old tree
          Eating apples - approx 25 ripening off one 5 year old tree
          Pickling onions - about 150 growing but still too small to harvest
          Sweetcorn, about 75 plants of 3 varities just starting to show the corn cobs
          Minipop Sweetcorn - about 45 plants, but no harvest as yet
          Gherkins - 2 plants, just starting to show some fruit
          Pumpkins - about 40 plants, flowering and fruit has begun to set
          Squashes - about 30 plants, just setting fruits now
          Beetroot - about 16 growing away nicely, but not harvested any yet!
          Late rasps - 60 or so canes so possibilities for a good harvest!
          Gooseberries - not much success with these so far, but they are ripening up, so will probably harvest in the very near future!
          Celery - 2 in the greenhouse approaching edible size and a further 23 plants outdoors which seem to be doing ok.

          Its our first year growing, so we've no idea if we are doing well or failing abysmally, but so far we are fairly happy with what we've had! Just hope the weather improves enough to allow us all to get some reasonable crops before the growing season ends!
          Never mind Mrs're failing abysmally, but don't be disheartened as next year you might get a decent crop!
          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

          Diversify & prosper


          • #6
            Lol Snadger! Thanks for the vote of confidence!

            Oh, and I forgot to add about 2 1/2 tons of weeds grown on the plots too! lol!
            Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

            'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

            The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
            Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
            Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
            On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


            • #7
              This year I have been mostly eating -
              Arran pilot spuds (still eating them)
              broad beans
              kohl rabi
              french beans
              lettuce in great variety
              an onion or two - couldn't wait
              the first few toms
              and courgettes in abundance.
              Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

     Updated March 9th - Spring


              • #8
                well I only started this spring so not much at all lol.
                a few strawberries.
                a couple of radishes.
                1 french bean.


                • #9
                  Lettuce, spinach beet, curly kale,cabbage,carrots,peas,broad beans,radish,garlic, onions (red and brown), spring onions,swiss chard,spuds, gooseberries,red/black currants, strawberries, raspberries,rhubarb,cherries and nettles (soup) and one cucumber.

                  Not bad for a bad year.
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • #10
                    Courgettes (loads of, pays to plant them in the ground - better than last years containers), carrits, broad beans, peas, salad leaves, radishes, strawbs, garlic, onions. Beetroot are ready, so it's just a matter of when.

                    Fruit bushes look happier in the ground now as well but apart from a few blueberries that are still ripening, I don't expect to get anything until next year.

                    Last edited by mrskp; 17-07-2007, 04:43 AM.
                    Catch up with my daily doings at and but wait a while cos these are well out of date ! Don't want to ditch them entirely cos I'll never remember the urls !


                    • #11
                      How post has gone- as well as a couple of other peoples!
                      If you press reply and then scroll down, you can see all the original posts though.
                      Do hope Admin manage to sort this prob out soon! Must be a bit of a headache for them!?
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • #12
                        It's my first year of planting anything

                        So far I've had 4 cucumbers, with several more approaching eating size (from two Petita F1 plants growing in my unheated lean-to), several courgettes, with another healthy load on their way, and loads of salad leaves, cress and herbs of various varieties.

                        I've got bucket loads of green tomatoes that I can't wait to ripen, and quite a lot of stuff growing ready for a later harvest too


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                          How post has gone- as well as a couple of other peoples!
                          If you press reply and then scroll down, you can see all the original posts though.
                          Do hope Admin manage to sort this prob out soon! Must be a bit of a headache for them!?
                          funny you should say that Nicos, as I saw a notifying email come in to say there had been a response to this thread and all i could see what my last post and I wondered what Mrs Dobby was going on about.

                          gremlins at work ? or perhaps the rain has gone into the system.
                          Last edited by mrskp; 17-07-2007, 08:07 AM.
                          Catch up with my daily doings at and but wait a while cos these are well out of date ! Don't want to ditch them entirely cos I'll never remember the urls !


                          • #14
                            Well, just yesterday I had my first calabrese, I've also managed strawbs, broad beans, couple of variety of lettuce, lots of spinach, tiny garlic that didnt really bulb up, and tonight will be the first cauli (and maybe the last haha!). Do basil, mint and rosemary count? Not veg, but my own crops of which I'm inaudinantly (spelling?) proud! Still to come are peas, onions and maybe courgettes, oh and tatties of course.
                            Nicos - your post is there for me, unless the problems been fixed now?
                            Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


                            • #15
                              Famous last words????
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


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