we've had: about 6 mangetout, a few radishes, a punnet of raspberries, a load of spinach ready to be picked (haven't picked it yet but it's ready), 8 red lettuces ready to be cut but still growing happily, little gems not far behind.
There's lots of dandelion leaves in the lawn too
The snails/slugs have had 5 courgette plants, but 2 have been rescued and put in the "fortress" and are doing well now.
I have 9 tomato plants some with fruit now doing well.
There's lots of dandelion leaves in the lawn too

The snails/slugs have had 5 courgette plants, but 2 have been rescued and put in the "fortress" and are doing well now.
I have 9 tomato plants some with fruit now doing well.