I have grown baby leeks from seed, planted the seed into a deep plastic grape container with John Innes seed compost and vermiculite. They have grown well and I thought to transplant them. I have potted on about two dozen into about 3 inch deep modules but now I am wondering if I should have used deeper pots?? I still have lots in the original container. Would welcome any help and advice.
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Leave them where they are till they get around pencil thickness then plant them into holes approx 6" deep, you could get longer blanched stalks by putting toilet roll tubes around the leeks.sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
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It rather depends on how long you want them to stay there.
For large leeks they will need moving on again. When I transplant mine into the ground they go down rather more than 3 inches and mine aren't terribly big.
However, if you have loads you could keep some in the modules and try for teeny 'baby' leeks...they might be sweet and tender and look cute on the plate!
Mine are all in one deep 10 inch pot (about 200) and will get planted out next month - they are usually about the size of a darning needle when they get planted into dibbed holes in the ground. I think they only ever made pencil thickness once and yet they usually get to be the size of my wrist by eating time.Le Sarramea https://jgsgardening.blogspot.com/
I grow baby leeks and treat pretty much like spring onions to start with. Plant in a 3" pot and when they reach about 3" high transplant as a unit into their final container. As they grow they push each other apart till harvest when they are as thick as my thumb.Potty by name Potty by nature.
By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.
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