Although I have some healthy looking Autumn sown broad beans with loads of flowers, I am noticing the same problem on the odd plant, mainly the Spring sown smaller ones. This usually starts much later in summer. It's the same pattern of tiny, oval shaped holes in the tip leaves that eventually spreads and makes the leaves go twisted and distorted and the same happens to the beans.
So far I have picked them out and destroyed but I know for sure it is def NOT birds, blackfly (no insects on them) just tiny peppered holes. Hopefuly I will crop the Autumn sown but if it gets worse the Spring sown will suffer.
Any guess as to what it can be. Flea beetle perhaps ?
So far I have picked them out and destroyed but I know for sure it is def NOT birds, blackfly (no insects on them) just tiny peppered holes. Hopefuly I will crop the Autumn sown but if it gets worse the Spring sown will suffer.
Any guess as to what it can be. Flea beetle perhaps ?