Mornin' All,
I'm thinking of buying some everlasting Onion (Allium cepa Perutile) plants to put on my allotment. I have also heard you can get garlic flavoured Welsh Onions, and fancy giving them a go as well.
Unfortunately my plot is riddled with the dreaded white rot and I'm concerned i will lose the lot when I plant them.
Does anyone know if garlic flavoured Welsh Onions exist and what their 'proper' name is?
Does anyone know if these plants are susceptible to white rot?
If they are would they be happy growing in a pot?
Do they usually have a good flavour?
I'm thinking of buying some everlasting Onion (Allium cepa Perutile) plants to put on my allotment. I have also heard you can get garlic flavoured Welsh Onions, and fancy giving them a go as well.
Unfortunately my plot is riddled with the dreaded white rot and I'm concerned i will lose the lot when I plant them.
Does anyone know if garlic flavoured Welsh Onions exist and what their 'proper' name is?
Does anyone know if these plants are susceptible to white rot?
If they are would they be happy growing in a pot?
Do they usually have a good flavour?