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Done Slug Patrol


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  • #31
    Few yrs ago we had herds of creamy one crawling from field into garden , every morning , it was a nightmare trying to keep dog in !
    This yr they are more dark oak ...and big !
    Trying Vaseline on pots tonight.
    Northern England.


    • #32
      I've seen the video about the traps and can see there was 6 traps used In the bed. If I gave them a shot how spaced out would you recommend putting them please or how spaced do you put your traps? X


      • #33
        While we wait for cadalot to pop in and answer you I'll just mention that Bob Flowerdew suggests 'one per stride' near your most vulnerable plants (beans etc)

        I strategically place mine between where I think they slither from (long grass area) and the plants I am protecting. My traps are also bigger (made in whole two litre milk cartons) to catch large snails and I aim for three per 8ft x 3ft bed.
        Initially this spring I caught 30 or 40 per trap per night but numbers are dwindling now.
        Empty regularly or the stink makes comfrey tea smell like perfume


        • #34
          Originally posted by Llevrah View Post
          I've seen the video about the traps and can see there was 6 traps used In the bed. If I gave them a shot how spaced out would you recommend putting them please or how spaced do you put your traps? X
          I'm using more this year than in previous just because there are so many slugs about, but in a 2.4mx1.2m bed one in each corner and one in the middle they are spaced at 1.2m crs. in the bean trench I put one each end and two in the middle with the openings facing out towards the ones at the end that were facing in.

          The quantity of them isn't an issue as the family drinks far to much Pop and I drink fizzy water.

          During the winter months I have 3 under the covers that go over the beds.
          . .......Man Vs Slug
          Click Here for my Diary and Blog
          Nutters Club Member


          • #35
            As previously mentioned I'm still persevering with holly as a slug deterrent. My climbing beans sweetcorn and sweet peas all very reasonably non chewed. I've no holly of the beetroot raised beds....badly munched! Is no one willing to try it to see if they have any success.yes I know access to holly is required but it's all over the place if you look.


            • #36
              Only seen one this year so far. Mad as last year we had loads by this time. Had the beer traps out, copper taped old hose made into a hoop around veg, salt patrols. We are having a wet spell so they may start to come now.


              • #37
                I know it's slugs ..... captured TWO yesterday evening- so where's the blummin' rest of the blighters...!!!!???!!

                Is slug damage typically that they munch the whole plant? Cos a lot of the damage done to my plants in the beds, looks like something has 'sawn' through the leaves - and bits of the munched leaves have been left strewn in the bed (beetroot, lettuce seedlings etc).
                Whereas on the runners, damage seems to be lots of holes in each leaf that's been attacked ...
                ~~~ Gardening is medicine that does not need
                a prescription ... And with no limit on dosage.
                - Author Unknown ~~~


                • #38
                  Chickens are not mass eaters of slugs nor snails its ducks particularly runners that are the best poultry. I find chickens are just not that bothered and I wouldnt want to see the devastation of hens on a bed. We did have ducks but the nasty fox had them so I sorted the fox.

                  I like the video - great idea not that we use plastic bottles these days but it seems to work and doesnt involve purchasing. I'm using old yeast and sugar with holes cut out of the sides of milk bottles. Have had a few however last night there were enormous amounts of slugs on the lettuce which I had to pick off.


                  • #39
                    My chickens love the slugs... probably because they're being hand fed them so they don't need to expend any energy to catch them!!!

                    The hens are only allowed in at the start of the growing season to eat as much as possible, fertilize the ground and have a general good rummage about! They're not allowed in any more and have one wing clipped to prevent them getting over the fence.


                    • #40
                      Thanks all. I've been saving 4 pint milk cartons to use as root waterers and not hot as far as using them so plan to make some traps with them. Don't think I have enough to use for the whole plot yet but some will be a start. Gonna do half as pellets and half as sugar/yeast solution and see which they go for more


                      • #41
                        Thanks all. I've been saving 4 pint milk cartons to use as root waterers and not hot as far as using them so plan to make some traps with them. Don't think I have enough to use for the whole plot yet but some will be a start. Gonna do half as pellets and half as sugar/yeast solution and see which they go for more


                        • #42
                          I may yet resort to holly as well in my anti slug arsenal but I am a particularly clumsy old bird and I feel sure I will hurt myself!

                          A little later in the summer perhaps, when I'm not rooting about so much at soil level planting things and pinching out...then I will give the holly a go!


                          • #43
                            Egg shells

                            okay so I know you would need a fair few but has anyone tried eggs shells..its supposed to work


                            • #44
                              i was at the allotment late tonight and the number of slugs crossing the path when I was leaving was scary. No wonder my plants have been decimated.


                              • #45
                                I've used eggshells but poor results. Didn't see to deter them much. Piled them up too, so nice and spikey.
                                Just been on night slug hunt. Erk the slime is disgusting makes me heave.
                                But then I used "scaredy cat" plants to ward off crap happy moggies and one of them pooped actually in the centre of the plant!! So what do I know!


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