Originally posted by Marb67
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I have a waterlogging problem. My heavy clay is saturated and not draining. There is standing water everywhere again, like in January. I have 3 undug (never been dug) beds for the winter veg and the rest of my squashes. It doesn't look like I will be able to do that before mid-July if (IF) the rain stops this week. As well as that I have:
- a plague of slugs and blackfly going after the beans and squashes in particular
- rotting strawberries (though I really don't care about those)
- possible onion white rot in my garlic bed
- cucumbers that just won't grow
- 600-odd saffron corms that will start rotting soon if it doesn't stop raining/I don't dig them all up.
I AM glad that this is the year I decided to grow blight resistant tomatoes and maincrop spuds.