I have avoided reading this thread but after Tuesday I decided I had to give out my tale of woe.
We moved 100 miles in April towards the South West (we were planning an August move), so no quick trips back to look after allotment. I went back twice and spent each day weeding, hoeing and living in expectations of some good crops.
However, the shallots I planted at New Year have basically rotted in the ground. The zebrune onions have been "swallowed" up by presumably the slugs. Onions sets planted in late January have also disappeared. Courgettes and squash have all gone. Funnily enough everything looked ok 5 weeks ago. Somethings had not grown much but everything looked "content" and alive.
On the plus side we had loads of gooseberries and the four elephant garlic had substantial bulbs, although they all have flowering spikes. The garlic that had grown so well on top was totally invisible under the ground, almost the size of peas.
So my thought was just another year, next year will be better. I wish you all well and good harvests.
We move to a new house in November so much digging and manuring from then onwards.
We moved 100 miles in April towards the South West (we were planning an August move), so no quick trips back to look after allotment. I went back twice and spent each day weeding, hoeing and living in expectations of some good crops.
However, the shallots I planted at New Year have basically rotted in the ground. The zebrune onions have been "swallowed" up by presumably the slugs. Onions sets planted in late January have also disappeared. Courgettes and squash have all gone. Funnily enough everything looked ok 5 weeks ago. Somethings had not grown much but everything looked "content" and alive.
On the plus side we had loads of gooseberries and the four elephant garlic had substantial bulbs, although they all have flowering spikes. The garlic that had grown so well on top was totally invisible under the ground, almost the size of peas.
So my thought was just another year, next year will be better. I wish you all well and good harvests.
We move to a new house in November so much digging and manuring from then onwards.