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Educated guesses and advice please


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  • #16
    Thank you all. Been making some traps for the pellets to go in over this weekend so gonna stick a couple in with them before netting them as I think all this rain has pretty much killed the pellets that are down now. Hopefully then protected for most eventualities. Fingers crossed they bounce back. I'd really like to crop them as I did grow them from seed and it's the first year if not it's not the end of the world as I have plenty in the tunnel.needing bed space...I went a bit seed happy in the seed trays and I've learnt a miserable lesson


    • #17
      you've learnt two valuable lessons.

      1. Net your leaves.
      2. Always sow more seeds than you think you'll need and at different times.

      And you did the second one instinctively so you're already ahead of most new gardeners!
      Well done you!


      • #18
        Definitely pigeons they wiped out 17 cabbages of mine last year as I didn't net them .this year they are under constructed framed nets.
        When you have a hammer in your hand everything around you starts looking like a nail.


        • #19
          Agree pigeons...I would never leave a brassica uncovered in my garden. I can't even pop down for a cuppa without covering them over as they are ready and waiting.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Penellype View Post
            If its slugs there will be slime trails on the leaves
            Not always...I have plenty of slug damage without the silver slime being visible.


            • #21
              Agree, definitely wood pigeon. Leaves closest to the shallots (?) are less attacked and there are pieces of shredded leaf on the soil.
              Location ... Nottingham


              • #22
                Pigeons got under my enviromesh tunnel after high winds in March or April and did this to a row of 6 spring cabbages I had overwintered. I was too peed off to pull them up, so I just fixed the netting and left them. Turns out the little bu**ers had done me a favour, as they were developing at about the same rate as the 6 I had in the polytunnel, but the attack set them back a couple of months so I got the best timed successional crop ever - far better than if I'd planned it. Might try purposefully uncovering my outdoor crop for a couple of days next year to achieve the same result!


                • #23
                  With not a lot of time today I rooted around and found some old net I've stuck it on and now I just hope it's enough and not too little too late

                  Thank you all very much.
                  Attached Files


                  • #24
                    I am going to go net crazy from now on. Lesson learnt


                    • #25
                      almost certainly PIGEONS i have had same when i started

                      good luck some will come back 100% sure
                      Last edited by 21up; 21-06-2016, 08:31 PM. Reason: spelling


                      • #26
                        The kale is sending out some baby leaves so netting has solved the problem so you were all right. Seems pigeons were my demons

                        Thank you all I was ready to take them out.

                        Netted the entirety if the kids beds too as their kale and cabbages were like mine and theirs appear to be recovering so they are happy now
                        Last edited by Llevrah; 27-06-2016, 10:11 PM.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Llevrah View Post
                          The kale is sending out some baby leaves so netting has solved the problem so you were all right. Seems pigeons were my demons

                          Thank you all I was ready to take them out.

                          Netted the entirety if the kids beds too as their kale and cabbages were like mine and theirs appear to be recovering so they are happy now
                          As long as the pigeons haven't taken out the central growing tip the brassicas should recover!
                          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                          Diversify & prosper


                          • #28
                            I would say it's pigeons as well, if we don't bet our brassicas that's what's happens to ours


                            • #29
                              Without doubt, it is pigeons.
                              They do taste nice, wrapped in pastry with a hint of garlic.
                              Feed the soil, not the plants.
                              (helps if you have cluckies)

                              Man v Squirrels, pigeons & Ants


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