I think there is evidence of whitefly in the polytunnel. I also need to check for aphids tomorrow. Reading the bio control you need to do this pre-infestation.
As my plants are looking very good I have toms, cucs, peppers, chillies, aubergines and very young rocket I am concerned that if I dont assume all will go wrong and prepare now theres going to be devastation.
It takes over a week for the bio control to arrive and its not cheap however does it make economic sense to order now? I think the bugs only last 2 weeks plus its costly. Assume there will be aphids later on. Use Encarsia to control whitefly naturally in greenhouses and conservatories.
Has anyone worked out the cheapest way of doing this I have a small polytunnel and should I order both sets now?
As my plants are looking very good I have toms, cucs, peppers, chillies, aubergines and very young rocket I am concerned that if I dont assume all will go wrong and prepare now theres going to be devastation.
It takes over a week for the bio control to arrive and its not cheap however does it make economic sense to order now? I think the bugs only last 2 weeks plus its costly. Assume there will be aphids later on. Use Encarsia to control whitefly naturally in greenhouses and conservatories.
Has anyone worked out the cheapest way of doing this I have a small polytunnel and should I order both sets now?