The first photo is where i got to on the chicken run build yeaterday eveneong. I had cut and meshed to the left of the gate

The second piccie is of the large piece of mesh I had to liberate from my old plot to be able to put mesh on the right side of coop.

Luckily another plot holder gave me a hand to get it to my plot once I'd got it clear of all that was holding it.
The last piccie, which isn't very good becaue it was starting to get dark by then, is of the same piece cut to size and nailed in position.

The same guy who helped me was telling me the fox had managed to get into his run and killed the chooks he hatched the same time as me, one of which was a cockerel. He couldn't work out how it had got in.
The up side was that he asked if i had any more cockerels going begging as the fox had go his.
Thats two of the four cockerels that I had hatched which I have managed to re-house!

The second piccie is of the large piece of mesh I had to liberate from my old plot to be able to put mesh on the right side of coop.

Luckily another plot holder gave me a hand to get it to my plot once I'd got it clear of all that was holding it.
The last piccie, which isn't very good becaue it was starting to get dark by then, is of the same piece cut to size and nailed in position.
The same guy who helped me was telling me the fox had managed to get into his run and killed the chooks he hatched the same time as me, one of which was a cockerel. He couldn't work out how it had got in.
The up side was that he asked if i had any more cockerels going begging as the fox had go his.
Thats two of the four cockerels that I had hatched which I have managed to re-house!
