Edged the last of my large keyhole beds. It was a bit warmer so didn't bother lighting woodburner. Draft proofed my summerhouse door by nailing boards to the bottom inner and bottom outer section of the door. Affixed slaters laths around the edges of the door frame. As well as draft proofing I want to try and stop any mice/rats getting in and nibbling my seed spuds.
My first seed sowing on the plot will be parsnips which can go in anytime now.
Worked out where they are going to go and I will mark the drills, stick a spade in, ease it back and forward to form a vee then fill with sand/old potting compost mix. I will do the same for carrots which can also have there area readied for sowing later in the year

My first seed sowing on the plot will be parsnips which can go in anytime now.
