Let the final plot on the site this evening. Fully let site means we can keep plotholders rent to the same as it has been for the last three years.. Plot is a bit of a builders yard but new plot holders seem enthusiastic
(Me giving the sales pitch...blank canvas,you can put your own mark on it, Blah, Blah Blah etc etc
. At least there is not a lot of broken glass and scrap metal on it.........whereas mine...............i'm still sifting through it
Problem is we now have no Treasurer so muggins has a pint glass full of cash from plot rents at home!
Still managed to transport another couple of wheelbarrow loads of pan tiles from my old plot at he close of business!

Problem is we now have no Treasurer so muggins has a pint glass full of cash from plot rents at home!

Still managed to transport another couple of wheelbarrow loads of pan tiles from my old plot at he close of business!
