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Please help me feel better about my plot To Do list...


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  • #16
    OK, I'm going to say it! ................... Sometimes there are more important things in life than your veg plot ( that's me banned for life then ). So don't you dare feel guilty about the current state of your plot. Yes you feel incredibly disheartened right now. Stop it ! (that's my version of good talking to), things will get better.

    I'm available all week for pep talks. Here take my advice I'm not using it, kind of thing

    Got to be honest, I'm looking forward to ripping up my veggie garden and packing it away until next year. It's taken quite a bit of will power not to of done it already ( even with the stuff that's doing well )


    • #17
      Thanks so much everyone. You've made me feel much better.


      • #18
        What a marvellous lot you all are. There's nothing to add 1Bee, your virtual pick me up is complete. Chin up.
        Nannys make memories


        • #19
          You cannot do everything; life sometimes gets in the way.

          We have been in a similar situation because of my dad's hospitalisation for a long time twice this year at crucial growing times. Trying to fit everything in on 2 plots and look after a toddling granddaughter 4 days a week has been challenging.

          As has not thumping an ungrateful, impatient father.

          So do as we have.......Pat yourself on the back for your successes, plan your action to get the plot back on track, tackle it in bite size pieces and don't give up.

          Then say the gardener's prayer, which every one, including Terry Walton, says........'NEXT YEAR I WILL.....'

          Cos nothing on the plot ever goes completely to plan and even on a good growing year there will be something that goes chits up.

          And if you have problems this year and have still got something from the allotment you are doing very well.


          • #20
            The important thing to remember is,your plot is NOT just for growing,it's a place to chill and relax,you do not have to do work just coss your there,take a flask or whatever you fancy,food,a book/magazine,it's good therapy
            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


            • #21
              Originally posted by lottie dolly View Post
              The important thing to remember is,your plot is NOT just for growing,it's a place to chill and relax,you do not have to do work just coss your there,take a flask or whatever you fancy,food,a book/magazine,it's good therapy
              And a place to send the OH so I can get some cooking done in peace.


              • #22
                ....... Hope you're feeling a heap more positive about your plot now 1Bee ...? Wonderful, sound advice from caring people who have been in a similar situation themselves ......
                There's always next year, and the year after that ...... just try to enjoy it when you get chance, don't let it get on top of you, bit at a time. It's all about getting pleasure out of it ~ not a chore ......
                ~~~ Gardening is medicine that does not need
                a prescription ... And with no limit on dosage.
                - Author Unknown ~~~


                • #23
                  Originally posted by 1Bee View Post

                  Aaaahaahahaaha! !!
                  Barbie in the borage......... Haha
                  ~~~ Gardening is medicine that does not need
                  a prescription ... And with no limit on dosage.
                  - Author Unknown ~~~


                  • #24


                    And sitting enjoying the sunshine during.

                    Rescued the last of the potatoes and onions, got started on the leek weeding, sneak-peaked at some excellent parsnips, harvested a secret uchiki Kurt and assume beans and cooked and ate lunch over a small bonfire.
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by 1Bee; 14-09-2016, 01:19 PM.


                    • #25
                      Pictures flipped!

                      Looks a lot better already Well done
                      Attached Files


                      • #26
                        Thanks VC. I've tried editing the pics before posting, but they still turn up flipped... :-/


                        • #27
                          Well done 1 bee,thats a good start,and don't it just make you feel good,apart from the aches
                          sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                          • #28
                            It's already looking good pet (((HUGS))) You want to see mine Everything started off fantastic and looking-geet-professional-as-owt in May and early June - squashes, beans, peas the lot - and I could visualise the plot bursting at the seams with lots of lovely rampant growth and fruitful produce.

                            Then the pigeons attacked....the slugs slimed....the rain rotted and *sob* the Dreaded Sow Thistle just 'growed and growed' like the Lambton Worm and before I knew it the plot was like a jungle again!!!!! Combined with working extra hours because one person was on the sick and having a right job trying to find somebody to work in our shop I just never seemed to catch up or get on top of the weeds. It's a really disheartening feeling and at times I just felt like giving up veggies and laying some lawn and growing flowers but after a tidy-up on Sunday which has seen the majority of weeds removed I'm feeling a LOT more positive and already planning what to grow in 2017 - third time lucky, eh? I'll get the hang of this allotmenteering lark yet!

                            Looking tidy in early June

                            My bombsite before weed removal on Sunday *cringe*

                            Slightly improved - I'll do more today and over the coming week
                            Attached Files
                            If I'm not on the Grapevine I can usually be found here!....


                            • #29
                              Well done GK,this year has been unkind to lots of people for lots of reasons,yet alone the weather,your right to plan for next year,it's gotta be beta,ain't it,
                              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                              • #30
                                Love you for sharing, GK! Lots of progress there.


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