Just poking up from the soil this evening are 1 each of Fish Chilli, Act. Sivri, Orange Jalape�o and Trep Werner
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Chillies - growing and overwintering 2017
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I definitely have room in the trays to separate the chilli seeds of each variety. I shall be sowing 2 or 3 of each variety Scarlett. I dont have light and to get the seedlings off the heat I shall just be pricking them out as soon as they open their seeds leaves and putting thrm into a little module of their own on the window coll. Will this be ok or us it not a good I'd to prick them out?
I could just put the individual modules into the super 7 trays if that would be better?Last edited by Scoot; 10-01-2017, 10:22 PM.
Scoot, I think they will struggle without heat and light at such an early stage of the year.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
Originally posted by Scoot View PostI dont have light and to get the seedlings off the heat I shall just be pricking them out as soon as they open their seeds leaves and putting thrm into a little module of their own on the window coll. Will this be ok or us it not a good I'd to prick them out?Pretty much what I do but my modules are tiny so I pop each one into a slightly bigger pot. Remember as Bramble has said...its early days so sit on those hands for a couple of weeks. Just make sure your seedlings aren't to close a radiator especially if it goes of at at night.
Originally posted by Scarlet View PostGood planPretty much what I do but my modules are tiny so I pop each one into a slightly bigger pot. Remember as Bramble has said...its early days so sit on those hands for a couple of weeks. Just make sure your seedlings aren't to close a radiator especially if it goes of at at night.
hi all, i have just checked my propergator and a couple of my jiffy pellets have green sort of mold forming on the top ,i think its from over watering them as i panicked thinking they were going to dry out ,the ones with the mold have not got any seeds that have germinated yet so should i cut my loses and bin these to stop the risk of it spreading or is this common ? any thoughts welcome ,cheersThe Dude abides.
I think mould gorging on those jiffy pots is quite common - I prefer plastic, they are refutable, can wash out every year etc.
Personally I think they will be fine. I don't think it will spread and I wouldn't chuck the seeds.
...but next time I'd use plastic.
I hope someone else will give their two penneth because I might be talking nonsense
thanks scarlet ,im not using jiffy pellets for all my seeds just the ones im putting in my hydroponics so i think i`ll take the chance and leave them in there for abit longer ,what do you mean by plastic ? plastic pots ? i only have a super 7 so i cant really fit many pots in them ,cheersThe Dude abides.
I think you're talking at cross purposes. Scarlet is talking about cardboard pots / cells and Big is talking about Jiffy 7's.
I used cardboard pots for my cayennes last year. It was difficult to get the watering right as they dry out quite quickly but then go quite soggy when you water. They developed black mould and the seedlings never really thrived.
This year I've used Jiffy 7s (both peat and coir) and have got green mould on one of the peat ones. It's definitely caused by overwatering - the seedling was a "helmet head" and I kept wetting it, trying to keep the seed case damp in the hope it could push its way out of it. If yours have been overwatered then I suppose there's a risk of the seeds rotting but I don't have enough experience to know whether you should throw them out and start again or just be patient. If you've got spare seeds and Jiffy 7s then it wouldn't hurt to try some more - as someone said to me, seeds are cheap, time isn't.
thanks mitzi ,i ment my propergator is a super 7 if that helps clear anything up ,the jiffy pellets im using are the type that you get dry and are about 1cm deep and have a tea bag type material around them ,then you soak them in water and the expand too about 6-7 cm tall ,cheersThe Dude abides.
Yes, I was talking about those jiffy/peat/cardboard pots...I think they are all useless. pladtic pots all the way.
I wouldn't throw away just because you've got the mold though...unless the seed have been in there weeks i'do give them chance. If you've fresh seed they aren't likely to rot if they have been kept warm..
How long have they been in there?
ah well we do have our wires crossed then scarlet ,yes i know the ones you mean and no i dont really like those myself and just use the cell trays for most of the seeds i sow , they have been in the propergator since boxing day and i have 22 seeds up out of the 38 i sowed (only 1 from the jiffy pellts tho ,the rest are in soil) ,cheersLast edited by the big lebowski; 12-01-2017, 07:09 PM.The Dude abides.
I'm a bit of a dilemma.
Out of the 4 I'm growing the red cherry are doing the best. Originally I was alternating them 1 on the kitchen windowsill and the other 3 under thegrow lights. The red cherry is a bit taller now the rest so if I swap I have to adjust the lights and the HHW the baby of the group the lights will be to high!!
Or I could swap with the HHW wiith the red cherry and leave it downstairs and it will get what natural daylight aa possible.
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