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Chillies - growing and overwintering 2017


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  • Maybe Muddy Boots is Gerard Fowler in real life? Although last time I checked, Loughborough wasn't in Cumbria, so maybe not.


    • Originally posted by Mitzi View Post
      Maybe Muddy Boots is Gerard Fowler in real life? Although last time I checked, Loughborough wasn't in Cumbria, so maybe not.
      MB, is this you??

      Click image for larger version

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ID:	2371460


      • My purple tiger has germinated

        All the others are doing quite well

        Click image for larger version

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ID:	2371548

        Due for a little feed I think.
        I really must pull my finger out and get their polytunnel built !


        • looking good sp ,you and me are in the same boat im trying to get my greenhouse built asap for my chillis too
          The Dude abides.


          • Update: after the feline related chilli disaster, I've been trying to catch up and replace the lost seedlings.

            I've recently had 9 more varieties germinate, so my surviving grow list is now:

            Bahamian Goat
            Bishops Hat
            Cayenne Large Red Thick (o/w from 2016)
            Cheyenne F1
            Hungarian Black
            Elysium Oxide F6
            Elysium Oxide F7
            Golden Cayenne (o/w from 2016)
            Joe's Long Cayenne
            Numex Sandia
            Numex Twilight x Cayenne F2
            Orange Habanero (o/w from 2016)
            Orange Habanero
            Piccante Calabrese
            Pot Black
            Ring Of Fire
            Santa Fe Grande
            Scotch Bonnet MoA Yellow
            Space HJ10 Afterglow
            Sweet Banana
            Thai Orange Large
            TSM Medium Red
            Turbo Alberto Cross (o/w from 2016)
            Turbo Alberto Cross
            7 Pot

            There are also a few seedlings that were lucky in the way they hit the floor, even though they were knocked out of their pots. I saved and repotted these and they seem to have survived, but it will be a mystery for some time which ones they are.


            • wow thats a list and a half there chris ,i hope you can get some photos for us in the summer when they are all fruiting ,cheers
              The Dude abides.


              • Just catching up after a few days away!

                My "Babies" Doing ok! Left to their own devices this last few, but will get my undivided attention the next few days!

                Click image for larger version

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ID:	2371557
                "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


                • I started some of mine off in jan and *touch wood they are still here, I managed to get an aquarium for �10 with new lights etc when aquatics was closing down in the shop so set them off in there on some heat mats too.
                  I am also using chilli focus to feed them this year instead of the usual tomato food, you can get it off ebay, and feed them from seedlings.

                  Ill edit later with their names but I know I would like to try the chocolate chillies next year, or even this year if I can get hold of any.
                  If you want to view paradise
                  Simply look around and view it.


                  • My second sowing of Cayenne have just popped up, these were pre soaked this time, to replace the ones I fried under the hot sun in a heated propagator. May be late for this year, but I'll try over wintering and treat this lot as perennials lol


                    • Originally posted by burnie View Post
                      My second sowing of Cayenne have just popped up, these were pre soaked this time, to replace the ones I fried under the hot sun in a heated propagator. May be late for this year, but I'll try over wintering and treat this lot as perennials lol
                      Cayennes are the weed of the chilli world you will get chills this year.


                      • I've got some Lemon Drop and Jalapenos in there too, but no sign yet


                        • these were taken early last month.

                          Couldn't delete from file. Latest ones will follow when my laptop knows what its doing?


                          • Attachments are playing silly buggers so doesn't look I will able to post up to date pics.

                            What height do you folks repot? And how often do u water . I have limited watering to 10-14 days and my tallest one is now 11cm


                            • im watering about the same as you my taller ones are about 20cm and my hydro is one is 55 cm ,i wont be repotting till i move them up to the greenhouse at the end of april ,cheers
                              The Dude abides.


                              • Hot wax this year.

                                Click image for larger version

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Size:	88.6 KB
ID:	2371575
                                Happy me.


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