L-R Aleppo, Sugar Rush, Aji Omnicolor, Aji Pineapple, Chenzo, Filius Blue
We ate an Aji Pineapple raw. Slight fruity flavour but I wouldn't say pineapple. I still can't get the nuances of chilli flavours. It frustrates me
We ate an Aji Pineapple raw. Slight fruity flavour but I wouldn't say pineapple. I still can't get the nuances of chilli flavours. It frustrates me
(I'm very much into yellow chillies at the moment, if only for visual appeal.. no idea why

I concur with your comment on flavour. I can decipher bold flavours usually without issue, like citrus, or smokiness. But the supposed subtle ones such as different fruits, yeah they're lost on me too.
And I find the chilli sauces to be a bit of conundrum, whether my creation (only dabbled to be fair), or ones I've bought. Once I get past the chilli burn I can never quite tell whether I'm tasting the chilli or the other ingredients, like mango, or pineapple. No matter, I love them all regardless

My current favourite is a mid-level chilli sauce where the chief ingredient is carrot (no mistaking that) and I would pour it on my cereal if wasn't for the cost of using it so wantonly
