Hi Mitzi,
Funnily enough it was chilli_grower from this forum who clued me in on Paper Lantern's culinary potential; I've used the pods before in my first few attempts at hot sauce (as they were used by CG, he hasn't posted in a long time) with great results, very tasty not too much burn but enough to say hello, and slight sweetness I found too. Having started again with all my plants this year (and thanks to the latter half of summer being decidedly ropy) I only managed a slim harvest this time around, not enough for a decent batch of sauce at any rate. So I hope to overwinter the plants for a better crop next year.
It's a great plant to grow. Flowers early, pods develop quickly and quite prolifically (provided conditions are right i.e. decent summer heat essential for it to really fulfill it's potential). Very much suits pot culture in that it naturally develops a balanced central framework and doesn't get too huge (straggly). Pods look nice too, deep bright red.
I've never had issue with no heat in the chillies. I almost exclusively grow under glass though and I'm sure that is factor. Only time I grew plants outside were Padron, and Apache, they grew well enough I think but unfortunately can't remember how they tasted.
One school of thought is that if you water sparingly in summer and regularly let the leaves wilt between waterings that is supposed to make the pods hotter
Funnily enough it was chilli_grower from this forum who clued me in on Paper Lantern's culinary potential; I've used the pods before in my first few attempts at hot sauce (as they were used by CG, he hasn't posted in a long time) with great results, very tasty not too much burn but enough to say hello, and slight sweetness I found too. Having started again with all my plants this year (and thanks to the latter half of summer being decidedly ropy) I only managed a slim harvest this time around, not enough for a decent batch of sauce at any rate. So I hope to overwinter the plants for a better crop next year.
It's a great plant to grow. Flowers early, pods develop quickly and quite prolifically (provided conditions are right i.e. decent summer heat essential for it to really fulfill it's potential). Very much suits pot culture in that it naturally develops a balanced central framework and doesn't get too huge (straggly). Pods look nice too, deep bright red.
I've never had issue with no heat in the chillies. I almost exclusively grow under glass though and I'm sure that is factor. Only time I grew plants outside were Padron, and Apache, they grew well enough I think but unfortunately can't remember how they tasted.
One school of thought is that if you water sparingly in summer and regularly let the leaves wilt between waterings that is supposed to make the pods hotter
