I can't grow borlotti either. Way too windy, so they really struggle. And I've given up trying to grow any kind of bean for drying. The local shops sell locally grown dried beans that are really good and it's more trouble than it's worth, watering my own for the pitiful crop I get. I'd rather put the effort into something else. Runner beans might not do well here, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Night time temps are around 18-20 �C for much July and August, though on occasions it can get quite a bit warmer than that. Daytime temps are horrendous. We have cold nights up till early June and from mid September onwards (cold snaps that kill off tom plants mid to late September). So that doesn't leave me much of a cooler season.
Anyway, I'm clearing a space under the shade of an olive tree. Not your average spot for runner beans and they and the tree might compete for water. But, the tree will provide some shade and a bit of a wind break. So, I'll be digging a trench for kitchen waste and the like and will water very well when/if they get going. Thanks for the advice. Am really looking forward to trying them.
Night time temps are around 18-20 �C for much July and August, though on occasions it can get quite a bit warmer than that. Daytime temps are horrendous. We have cold nights up till early June and from mid September onwards (cold snaps that kill off tom plants mid to late September). So that doesn't leave me much of a cooler season.
Anyway, I'm clearing a space under the shade of an olive tree. Not your average spot for runner beans and they and the tree might compete for water. But, the tree will provide some shade and a bit of a wind break. So, I'll be digging a trench for kitchen waste and the like and will water very well when/if they get going. Thanks for the advice. Am really looking forward to trying them.