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What I did today - 2017


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  • How quick the seasons go by.
    I was only thinking the same whilst collecting various seeds today - its remarkable- time gone in a flash Bramble
    Last edited by BeeHappyFlutterBy; 25-08-2017, 07:09 PM.
    �It was the bumble bee and the butterfly who survived, not the dinosaur� � Meridel Le Sueursigpic

    "We are stardust, we are golden, and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden."
    - Joni Mitchell


    • Some further progress on the new veg garden area over the weekend. Gabion Cages for the back wall now up to 2/3 height (up to the last internal support tie before filling them). They seem to takes ages!

      However at least with getting them to that height I can now finish filling them from the path if I need to so I should be able to start getting the beds built

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      Next up is putting mains water to the area to make my life a little easier in future summers!


      • Started to clear all the over growth with my strimmer, ran out of line, so my allotment neighbour lent me his ....much bigger strimmer, yeay! bought some Sweet Millions tomatoe seeds for next years toms. Harvested some Blackberries, watered the Banana Peppers...back to it today...."the sun has got it`s hat on...."
        Girls are like flowers, a little attention every day and they`ll blossom.


        • spent half an hour crying my eyes out in self pity after reading this thread,

          where do you people find the energy ?


          • Only went down to pick a few bits and bobs for tea... but noticed there'd been a delivery of woodchip in the car park, so barrowed a few loads down to the plot and dumped them on the paths.
            Got home and made some spicy plum chutney.


            • Finally Put 6 wheelbarrow loads of beach stone ( dug out of the garden, when putting up tunnel) in the chicken run in some of the soggy areas.
              Extended the goose run.
              Weeded the tunnel bed.


              • Spent the afternoon making bramble jelly.
                11 lbs made and now more space in the freezer.

                And when your back stops aching,
                And your hands begin to harden.
                You will find yourself a partner,
                In the glory of the garden.

                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                • Originally posted by SelkirkAlex View Post
                  spent half an hour crying my eyes out in self pity after reading this thread,

                  where do you people find the energy ?
                  I know how you feel Alex - I need a sit down just reading it


                  • 26th Aug, after getting back from 2 weeks' holiday.... visited the jungle, I mean plot and panicked slightly. Picked runner beans, cursing neighbour who said they'd pick them and cleary hadn't (I later found out she'd had 2kgs... there were just a LOT of beans!) and picked courgettes, I mean marrows. Panicked some more.

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                    NB - I picked everything over 3 inches long before we went....

                    31st Aug, after getting back from visiting family. Went to the plot at dawn before work. Mowed calf-high grass paths, opened up the brassica tunnel and snapped off overblow sprouting-when-it-shouln't-be PSB, removed dead leaves and some caterpillars (from a moth that pupates in the ground... netting not going to help here) and dealt with slugs. Opened up the netted raised bed and cut back bolted rocket and pulled bolted radishes. Weeded and recovered. Dug up the last of the rooster tatties, annoyingly mostly tunneled by slugs. How do you store potatoes that you know are bringing slug passengers with them?! Weeded a few lettuces, checked and turned some pumpkins, spread some grass cuttings mulch. Picked more runners, french beans, mangetout and courgettes.
                    Last edited by 1Bee; 31-08-2017, 04:03 PM.


                    • Weeded, deadheaded & tied up the cucumbers


                      • Picked all the plums before the magpies ate any more of them.
                        Pruned the tree ruthlessly, dont even know if it will recover but it was reaching for the sky in spite of being pruned back every year.
                        I think at this stage hubby has had enough of all things plum to last a lifetime.
                        We will just wait and see.
                        Only emptied the freezer of last years crop a few weeks ago and now have a bucketful to freeze again.

                        And when your back stops aching,
                        And your hands begin to harden.
                        You will find yourself a partner,
                        In the glory of the garden.

                        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                        • Cleaned out the goose pond. Re did there extended run so the little bu@@ers can't get out!
                          Weeded all 7 raised beds
                          Stewed the last of my apple harvest, then went out and harvest another 5 buckets of wind fall apples ( not all usable).
                          Weeded and mulched some more of my soft fruit.
                          Shut down the salad bar and sieved old compost from it.
                          Can you tell his family's turning up!


                          • Spent the afternoon making tomato sauce, and very nice it is too.
                            Freezer is beginning to fill up again.
                            Next year, I will NOT grow so much of anything.

                            Saying this every year butI mean it this time.
                            I think this growing your own thing is a type of madness!!!

                            And when your back stops aching,
                            And your hands begin to harden.
                            You will find yourself a partner,
                            In the glory of the garden.

                            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                            • Three other plot holders and I cleared the edge of the overgrown area along the boundary of plot 14A to define an edge where the drop off and pick up area is going and a new timber fence is to be installed by the contractor and subcontractor building the housing estate behind the allotment.

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                              . .......Man Vs Slug
                              Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                              Nutters Club Member


                              • Recently cleaned greenhouse glass. Tomatoes and chillies inside need all the light they can get at this time of year so lets hope for a mild Autumn and no early frosts.

                                Water butt was empty, so cleaned out the inside ready for the next bout of rain.

                                Tomato seed saving continues


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