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What I did today - 2017


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  • Weekend to do list got a bit smaller:
    4" lasagne mulch on a no dig bed then planted spring cabbage and kale plants, sprinkle slug pellets and place cardboard strips between the planting.
    Dug over some of the former potato bed and placed some part rotted compost and last years leaf mould in the trench as I went. Raked then covered with some last years compost and council soil improver and a simple mulch. Planted broad beans then the last of the Garlic and the remainder of the red and white onion sets to use them up. The intention is this well dug bed will do root crops when the beans come out as it was double dug last year and has no Muck this year.
    Chopped down the sweetcorn and some sunflowers so they can be shredded back home, general tidy up.
    I feel better now some crops are in the ground ready for spring, I just hope they sprout before the temperature drops, weather report looks like a warm spell for a couple of weeks.


    • Pruned my fuschias and geraniums which were outdoors in pots.
      Brought them all into the greenhouse for the winter.
      Cut down the last of the sweetpeas.
      Put all the pots and containers under cover just in case the storm hits.
      Tidied up the garden.
      Still deadheading the dahlias which are stil flowering away.

      And when your back stops aching,
      And your hands begin to harden.
      You will find yourself a partner,
      In the glory of the garden.

      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


      • Moved the bed edging and slabs from my 2nd Plot on Spencer Road to my 1st Plot on Mill green and I will be giving up Spencer Road next October for photos and more information read here Alans Allotment: Removals Day 1
        . .......Man Vs Slug
        Click Here for my Diary and Blog
        Nutters Club Member


        • Absolutely nothing, great feeling now and again.


          • Today I planted out garlic saved from this year's harvest (Vallelado and Thermidrome) and the onions I sowed in August (Augusta and Sturon).
            My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
            Chrysanthemum notes page here.


            • Spent the afternoon sorting the MiL's garden.....under strict supervision of course


              • Spent a couple of hours pulling out tree roots. I'd only planned to rake some leaf litter into the corner of a patch I want to make into a proper garden bed but as I raked I found a heap of tree roots growing under the fence from trees next door (my sewerage pipes run there and the roots are always growing into them but I wasn't expecting roots close to the surface). I cut off those I could get to, but I'm going to have to make the planned bed smaller now and use the fence side as a grass clippings pile or something.


                • Gone through the stored apples and binned a couple of dodgy ones, good crop this year by my standards, not much scab, so the fruit press was redundant this year.


                  • Mowed the front lawn and started a grass clippings/leaf pile in the space which is full of tree roots. It's way too humid to do anything more outside today so I'm hoping some seeds I ordered arrive in the mail so I can at least do some potting later.

                    One lot of seeds arrived so I planted a pot of bistro lettuce mix.
                    Last edited by lolie; 17-10-2017, 05:32 AM.


                    • Nipped into the plot to check for any wind damage - thankfully, everything was fine.


                      • Emptied my leaf mould cage into bags until next year, weeded a bed topped it up with Dalek compost, then spent the afternoon juicing apples.
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Cut back the rest of the Dahlias


                          • Spent hours and hours digging ground elder and trying to get every tiny piece of root out of the soil. I did the same thing last year, but it reappeared with a vengeance.


                            • 3 hours or so weeding and burning off rubbish - plot hardly looks any diferent - but it must be !

                              (Unless my plot doesn't obey the laws of physics - which is a possibility...)

                              Also picked a couple of small beets for accompanyment of this evening's chicken based gastronomic extravaganza.
                              1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                              • A ‘bit’ of digging (about 4 hrs worth) beginning to prepare beds for raspberries, currants and goosegogs. Pruned a climbing rose and washed out a load of pots.


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